Re: Labels created

Reece Dunn <> writes:
> tickets, I think we need the following additional tickets:
> 1. XQUF "An issue related to XQuery Update Facility extension" -- This is for (At
> some point we may need labels for the other extensions, but I suggest we defer creating labels for them until we have issues
> relating to those specs.)


> 2. Duplicate -- The issue is a duplicate of another issue. (This is useful to make it clear that the issue is not rejected by the CG.
> The duplicate issue should be mentioned in the comments.) -- This
> currently applies to 2 tickets that have been closed.

Right. I thought I’d done that one, but I hadn’t. Done now.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Friday, 16 September 2022 07:57:44 UTC