Re: Infrastructure updates to the QT4CG spec repository

Thanks, you're a brave man. Disentangling that mess of ancient Ant scripts is a nightmare!

Incidentally I noticed it's still using Saxon 9.6. And quite possibly a bit of Xalan as well. That will only be a problem when we try reinstating the code that tests examples in the spec, which is only possible of course when you're using a processor that implements the spec.


> On 15 Sep 2022, at 17:52, Norm Tovey-Walsh <> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> PR #143 says:
>  This PR doesn't make any technical changes (and it probably won't
>  build correctly as a PR, so I'm just going to merge it).
>  1. I tinkered a little bit with the URIs on the specifications so that
>  they point to more accurate URIs.
>  2. I've tried to make a few of the XSLT files "less chatty". I'd like
>  to make it easier to see what the errors and warnings are so that we
>  can resolve them. It's the sort of thing that bugs me, so if no one
>  else does it, I'll probably chip away at them as we go.
>  3. I reworked the way that the XPath Functions and XSLT specifications
>  are built. I've pulled the tasks out of the ant files and implemented
>  them directly in Gradle. (The XPath and XQuery specifications are as
>  yet unchanged, they're more complicated and this already took longer
>  than I had anticipated.)
>  4. The specification/{specid}/build and specification/{specid}/html
>  directories are no longer used. All of the build and intermediate
>  files are under build. (For XPath Functions and XSLT.)
>  5. I stopped trying to build all the namespace documents. Those aren't
>  useful unless they're installed in the "real" URIs and I have no idea
>  if/how we'll be able to update those. When we're closer to the end, I
>  can get the namespace documents building again. For now, it's just
>  faster not to.
> It's now easier to see what is happening and Gradle will do a better job
> of managing the dependencies. So if you are building it locally, it
> should do less work on each build.
> Everything should just build the same way it used to. Changes to the
> sources or the stylesheets should cause the right builds to run. It is,
> of course, possible that I've broken something. I tried to check
> everything, but there are a lot of moving pieces here. Comments,
> questions, and complaints most welcome.
> I’m going to merge that next. If I’ve broken something, please tell me.
> And accept my apologies in advance!
>                                        Be seeing you,
>                                          norm
> --
> Norm Tovey-Walsh
> Saxonica

Received on Thursday, 15 September 2022 18:15:24 UTC