Re: GitHub ·qtspecs· Repository • Labels

I think the list Christian proposed is great.

> Can we add to this list: "Document hidden features", or maybe "Unveil
> hidden features"?

I don’t object to adding another label, but isn’t this a kind of
Editorial issue? The spec should be changed to make the point about
functions clearer, but that’s “just editorial”. It doesn’t change
anything in the language.

My experience with labels is that there’s a delicate balance to be
achieved. If there are too few, then they aren’t useful. But if there
are too many, then you can wind up with a kind of paralysis about what
labels to apply and a lot of “bike shedding” about whether something is
an X or a Y.

> There may be other such hidden gems, which by definition are difficult
> to find ...

If the consensus is that we want a label for this, I think Dimitre’s hit
the nail on the head. We should call it a “gem”. :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norm Tovey-Walsh

Received on Wednesday, 7 September 2022 14:31:32 UTC