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public-xsl-wg@w3.org from October 2016
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24 messages
Thursday, 6 October 2016 17:13:19 UTC,
Monday, 31 October 2016 23:28:19 UTC
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Minutes for XSLT WG telcon of Thursday 2016-10-27
Abel Braaksma
(Monday, 31 October)
Re: Minutes for XSLT WG telcon of Thursday 2016-10-27
Michael Kay
(Monday, 31 October)
F2F meeting in Prague
Jirka Kosek
(Sunday, 30 October)
New XSLT 3.0 editor's draft
Michael Kay
(Thursday, 27 October)
Reporting static errors
Michael Kay
(Thursday, 27 October)
XSLT WG Agenda Thursday 2016-10-27
Michael Kay
(Wednesday, 26 October)
Re: XSLT WG Agenda Thursday 2016-10-27
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
(Thursday, 27 October)
technical discussion on XSLT WG telcon of 2016-10-20
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
(Thursday, 20 October)
ACTION 2016-09-29-003 / bug 29889 / invocation options
Michael Kay
(Thursday, 20 October)
ACTION 2016-10-06-002 (component binding in inline functions)
Michael Kay
(Thursday, 20 October)
Relax NG Schema
Michael Kay
(Thursday, 20 October)
Liaison report: xml-to-json
Michael Kay
(Tuesday, 18 October)
Technical discussion of 13 October 2016
Carine Bournez
(Friday, 14 October)
ACTION 2016-09-22-001 on MK and Abel to run the Relax-NG / Jing test and report results and/or bugs
Abel Braaksma
(Thursday, 13 October)
RE: ACTION 2016-09-22-001 on MK and Abel to run the Relax-NG / Jing test and report results and/or bugs
Abel Braaksma
(Thursday, 13 October)
ACTION 2016-09-29-004, Abel to propose a table of invocation methods
Abel Braaksma
(Thursday, 13 October)
Re: ACTION 2016-09-29-004, Abel to propose a table of invocation methods
Michael Kay
(Thursday, 13 October)
RE: ACTION 2016-09-29-004, Abel to propose a table of invocation methods
Abel Braaksma
(Friday, 14 October)
Possibility of lazy evaluation of static parameters / variables / use-when / shadow attributes
Abel Braaksma
(Thursday, 6 October)
Re: Possibility of lazy evaluation of static parameters / variables / use-when / shadow attributes
Michael Kay
(Friday, 7 October)
RE: Possibility of lazy evaluation of static parameters / variables / use-when / shadow attributes
Abel Braaksma
(Friday, 7 October)
Re: Possibility of lazy evaluation of static parameters / variables / use-when / shadow attributes
Michael Kay
(Friday, 7 October)
ACTION 2016-10-06-003: ABr to contribute to bug 29818 his proposal for globalization of all accumulator names.
Abel Braaksma
(Thursday, 6 October)
Technical discussion of 6 October 2016
C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
(Thursday, 6 October)
Last message date
: Monday, 31 October 2016 23:28:19 UTC