XSLT WG Agenda Thursday 2016-10-27

60 minute telcon -

The XSL WG will meet on Thursday, 27 October 2016 for 60
minutes at the START TIME as follows:

09:00 a.m. Pacific Standard US/Canada,
10:00 a.m. Mountain Standard US/Canada,
11:00 a.m. Central Standard US/Canada,
12:00 Eastern Standard US/Canada,
17:00 UK, and
18:00 for France, Germany, Sweden and Belgium

Joining WebEx calls:

Alternative 1:


When you follow the link above, if WebEx asks for a "room number",
enter the access code: 648 089 706. WebEx then asks for your name
and email address. Then the WebEx starts.
Meeting password: xslwg

Alternative 2:

Audio connection:
+1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number

Access code: 648 089 706

Alternative 3:

Mobile Auto Dial:+1-617-324-0000,,,648089706#

Participants are also encouraged to join IRC channel #xsl. The web
interface for IRC is available at http://www.w3.org/2001/01/cgi-irc <http://www.w3.org/2001/01/cgi-irc>
<http://www.w3.org/2001/01/cgi-irc <http://www.w3.org/2001/01/cgi-irc>>.


Chair: MHK

1 Roll call - Need manual roll call

2 Assign minute-taker  - need volunteer

3 Approval of previous minutes.

4. Review of actions

ACTION-2015-11-19-002 MHK to ensure that the build system
creates up-to-date namespace documents  for the XSLT and MAP
Pending - lower priority

ACTION 2016-10-06-001: CB to try generating HTML 5 versions of
XSLT and possibly Serialization spec to see if they conform to the new

ACTION 2016-10-20-001: ABr to add example from his mail of 29
September, as corrected in MK's response of 20 October to the test suite.

ACTION 2016-10-20-002: ABr to open a Bugzilla entry suggesting
detailed spec changes needed to meet the requirement to allow
processor modes which do not raise all possible static errors
(following on from our discussion of the thread starting at


5 Other administrative business

5.1 Review of agenda - items to be added to Agenda?

5.2 Telcon schedule -
   SCA is unavailable for 20 Oct. telcon and 27 Oct. telcon.
   Note: dates have changed but MKay has been asked to chair.

Note that next week, Nov 3, the slot will be one hour earlier for participants in Europe (and the UK!)

5.3 Report on joint work - MKay, Abel

6. Email discussions.

6.1  Invocation variants.
 See MK ACTION 2016-09-29-003:
 See also ACTION 2016-09-29-004: Abel to propose a table as described in
 #9 in https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xsl-wg/2016Sep/0001.html
 To be skipped until Abel action item is completed

We decided that progress on this topic requires someone to have a
substantial amount of time thinking in a quiet room; we postponed
further discussion until that happens.

7. XSLT Draft

The diff version is at the usual location.

Published CR: http://www.w3.org/TR/2015/CR-xslt-30-20151119/

Internal version:
W3C Candidate Recommendation 11 September 2016

8. Spec bugs

29790 [xslt30] Sample stylesheet for xml-to-json conversion uses a reserved namespace
     Reclassified as editorial - Bug left open until the revised
      version is tested.
  In process.

29819 [XSLT30] (editorial) Core functions
     People were asked to review G.1 (when the draft containing that
  text becomes available).

29827 [XSLT 3.0] Error XTDE0045 revisited

29889 [xslt30] Add clarifications on stylesheet invocation options
     Is further discussion needed?

29938 [XSLT30] Suggestion to drop XTDE1370 and XTDE1380 to bring them in line with XDM 3.0

29957 [XSLT30] Non-schema-aware processors and schema-attribute and schema-element node tests: error or not?

9. Testing

12 bugs open in bugzilla.

Received on Wednesday, 26 October 2016 22:04:31 UTC