Added interop vectors for DEREncodedKeyValue , KeyInfoReference and X509Digest
Additional revision to XML Signature 1.1 Interop Test Teport
Agenda - Distributed Meeting 11 September 2012
Agenda - Distributed Meeting 18 September 2012
Agenda - Distributed Meeting 25 September 2012
Agenda - Distributed Meeting 4 September 2012
CfC: remove OCSPResponse from XML SIgnature 1.1; please respond by 18 Sept
Decision how to record XML Encryption/Signature 1.1 interop test cases
Draft minutes 11 Sept 2012 call
Draft minutes 18 Sept 2012
Draft minutes 25 Sept 2012
draft minutes 4 Sept 2012 teleconference
DTD update in XML Signature 1.1, Encryption 1.1 and Signature 2.0
In XMLSignature 1.1 is X509Data/dsig11:X509Digest@Algorithm an unqualified attribute ?
ISSUE-234: Reference SP800-56A later in publication process if the latest version is no longer a draft
ISSUE-235: Update schema formatting in XML Signature 2.0
Note about schemas
Schema and Example formatting in XML Signature 1.1 and 2.0
Updated status section for XML Signature 1.1 and XML Encryption 1.1
Updated to XML Security Algorithms Cross Reference
Updated XML Encryption & Signature 1.1 explanation documents
Updated XML Encryption 1.1
Updated XML Signature 1.1 & 2.0 editors drafts to remove OCSPResponse
Updated XML SIgnature 1.1 interop test report
XML Signature 1.1 updates
XML Signature 2.0 editors drat update
XML Signature Streaming Profile of XPath 1.0 Test suite (Was: draft minutes 4 Sept 2012 teleconference)
Last message date: Tuesday, 25 September 2012 15:09:04 UTC