[closed] Re: Dynamic errors, choose

/ Richard Tobin <richard@inf.ed.ac.uk> was heard to say:
| End of section 3:
|   "If an XProc processor can determine statically that a dynamic error
|    will always occur, it may report that error statically."
| Does this mean it may refuse to run the pipeline, or merely that it
| may report the error?  What if the error would have been caught by
| a try/catch?

Errors must always be treated dynamically inside of a p:try; this has
now been clarified.

| As far as I can see, a p:choose with no when or otherwise is always a
| dynamic error, since no branch will be chosen.  It seems reasonable to
| report this statically and reject the pipeline.

Indeed. We also allow such errors to be reported statically. Provided
they don't occur inside a try and provided that they will always

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Nearly every complex solution to a
http://nwalsh.com/            | programming problem that I have looked
                              | at carefully has turned out to be
                              | wrong.--Brent Welch

Received on Thursday, 24 January 2008 20:33:54 UTC