Agenda for XML Core WG telcon of 2004 November 17

We have an XML Core WG phone call scheduled for Wednesday, 
November 17, from
          08:00-09:00 Pacific time aka
          11:00-12:00 Eastern time aka
          16:00-17:00 UTC
          16:00-17:00 in Ireland and the UK
          17:00-18:00 in middle (most of) Europe
on the Zakim W3C Bridge, +1 617 761 6200, passcode 9652#.
We also use IRC channel #xmlcore on .

See the XML Core group page [1] for pointers to current documents
and other information.  If you have additions to the agenda, please
email them to the WG list before the start of the telcon.

Please also review our group page's task list [2] for accuracy and
completeness and be prepared to amend if necessary and accept it
at the beginning of the call.

Norm sends regrets (XML Conference).

1. Accepting the minutes from the last telcon [3] and
   the current task status [2] (have any questions, comments,
   or corrections ready by the beginning of the call).

1.5. Miscellaneous administrivia.

The next W3C Technical Plenary Week will be 28 February 2005
through 4 March 2005:

The meeting will be held in the Hyatt Harborside, Boston:

2. XForms WG Note on xml-stylesheet and XForms.

See the draft Working Group Note at
and also at

See the thread starting at
especially Norm's message at

Everyone on the call felt that use of the xml-stylesheet
here was wrong.  We had some discussion.

Most of us are certainly opposed to them using 

Arnaud would like to know more about the motivation and
why they are using the xml-stylesheet PI instead of
something else.

We noted that the XSLT spec says (last para before section 2):

  The MIME media types text/xml and application/xml [RFC2376]
  should be used for XSLT stylesheets.

ACTION to Paul:  Request further info from the XForms WG.

3.  XLink erratum/update.

Norm has suggested a possible update to XLink at
where we say that an element that has an xlink:href but 
does not have an xlink:type should be treated as if it
had a "simple" link type.

4. XML errata.  The published 1.0 errata document is [8], the
   published 1.1 errata document is [9], and the NEW PUBLIC
   Potential Errata (PE) document is [7]. 

PE 133 CDATA sections, PIs and Comments in Mixed and ANY content models
CONSENSUS to approve and publish.
ACTION to Francois:  Update PE and Errata documents for PE 133.

PE 134 Non-ascii chars in XML/text declaration
The xml-editor list received a comment at
which is presumably asking the same question asked earlier at
and which the commenter claims we never answered satisfactorily.

There is an updated proposed resolution at
and this is in countdown until this week's telcon.

PE132 Validity of default attribute values (again)
This comes down to the wording in section 3.3.2 where we say
"only the syntactic constraints of the type are required here"
but then we argued about what "syntactic" means.

CONSENSUS:  It is a violation of the Attribute Default Legal VC 
for the default value not to be one of those specified in the
enumerated list for enumerated type attributes.

John proposed new language for "Validity constraint: 
Attribute Default Legal" to solve the ambiguity here at:
and that is in countdown until this week's telcon.

5. Namespaces in XML.

  Ongoing ACTION to Richard:  Produce a draft for NS1.0 2nd Ed.

Makoto thinks we should fold all our errata into an NS1.0 2nd Ed,
but we should not fold in our other editorial changes from 1.1
into 1.0 2nd Ed.  He sent his comments at
wherein he objected to our folding editorial changes that were not
processed as errata back from 1.1 into 1.0.

ACTION to Paul:  Check with W3C folks about whether we can
fold editorial errata from 1.1 back into 1.0 2nd Ed.

6. Xinclude PR was published Sept 30 at:
   and announced to the AC at 

   The AC review closed October 29.  

Henry now needs to organize a Rec call in the next week
or so.  He thinks the call should be mostly just a formality.

ACTION to Henry:  Take XInclude to Rec.

Sandra has sent new test suite stuff to Henry.

ACTION to Henry:  Update the test suite home page with what
Sandra sent to you.

7. xml:id.

Our Last Call of xml:id is published at

The (public) xml:id issues is at:
[Not up to date as of the writing of this agenda, but
all issues are closed.]

ACTION to Norm:  Update the xml:id issues document (though no
immediate need this week).

Norm announced he had a sax filter implementation of xml:id:

8.  XML Profile.  The TAG (via Norm) asks about progress on this:

We last talked about this at the March 2004 f2f:

Norm continues to recommend that we make a profile that is the 
same as XML 1.1 except to change the bnf so that you can't have 
any sort of doctype decl.

Norm suggests we generate a WG Note outlining the subset.

Glenn asks about how this might affect the idea of a
compliant XML processor.  Specifically, a processor that
only processes this subset is not a compliant XML processor.

SOAP also forbids PIs, but we believe they can live with a 
subset with PIs.

ACTION to Norm:  Send email summarizing his suggested plan
(though the ACTION below to check with the TAG should probably
come first).

Norm started a TAG discussion at
but reached no denouement.

ACTION to Norm:  Check with the TAG that this is something
they still want to see worked on.

The next step would seem to be to write a summary of the 
plan and send it out and see if it makes people happy.
We should be sure to include at least the TAG, SOAP, the


Received on Monday, 15 November 2004 16:15:45 UTC