Re: the openid para

On 28 April 2011 17:53, peter williams <> wrote:
> I begged for a rewriting on that particular point, and you guys did it.
> Thanks. I don't have much reputation to preserve in openid-land, but what
> there is was not disaparaged. I can go there, still stare at the floor, but
> at least I can be in the room.
> Despite the toning down, the underlying orientation of the group still came
> through - wanting to define webid in terms of the "original sin" of foaf not
> being adopted by the openid community (per some founder ideas, apparently).
> Folks have not moved on. The original sin has become a prayer; and an
> institutionalized ceremony to remind the faithful. Anyone in the know can
> hear the refrain. I hear it, and so do others.
> We don't want a new submission. We have to live with our flaws, once made.

[coming back to my mailbox after a while offline today]

Yes, I don't think a resubmission is needed, just that anyone
attending the workshop or interacting elsewhere approaches things with
tone in mind.



Received on Thursday, 28 April 2011 17:36:04 UTC