Re: the openid para

On 4/28/11 12:41 PM, peter williams wrote:
> Stop working a APIs and code. Just adopt the web services.
> Or are we still grinding our teeth that the term web services made it into
> the paper? It almost legitimized them, and made us sound connected to the
> rest of the web. Next, we will be wanting probably to secure those
> webservices, no?
> Lets refocus on the most semweb webservice of all: do client authn using
> webid to sparql endpoints, starting with virtuoso. Then, we have a nice
> setup so a user can access resource server, that behind the scenes accesses
> a sparql data service impersonating the user. The underlying use case is on
> our agenda, after all. For all I know, Kingsley already has a canned sparql
> query ready to be called, that computes a friends chain between 2 webid
> URIs, and returns them in a result-set, to help drive an authorization
> enforcement engine in a web app.

Beyond moi and OpenLink (that can find relations between entities in a 
relational property graph), there's a visual relationships detection 
tool called RelFinder that makes some of these ideas visual .

There will soon be a WebID protected web service that takes a WebID, 
Crawl Depth, ASK | SELECT as URL parameters. It will be integral to all 
Virtuoso installations, and showcased via the URIBurner and instances at the very least.


1. -- Relfinder (best you use instead of since former has DBpedia + 
rest of LOD cloud on more powerful setup)
2. -- example I conjured up using one of 
my old URIs (which I know TimBL still refers to in his data space) .

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of Henry Story
> Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 7:53 AM
> To:
> Cc: Dan Brickley; peter williams;
> Subject: Re: the openid para
> On 28 Apr 2011, at 15:18, Nathan wrote:
>>> WebID stands on its strengths. And in some cases, being able to fall
>>> back to OpenID (eg. from the certless cybercafe PC scenario) is more
>>> appealing than messing around using a password to install (and then
>>> remove) a transient WebID cert on an uknown PC.
>> This is probably our biggest issue, we need to do something abotu that
> fast, cert management is a huge PITA - my cert expired last week, I use it
> for loads of things (use the keys from it for github, w3c cvs, my own svn
> stuff, dav servers etc) this thing expiring is a really big problem at the
> minute, and the levels of pain it's going to take to re-issue the the cert
> with the same keys is not something my mum could manage.
> Yes, that is the nice thing about WebID cert management. If github and w3c
> and svn allowed you to use a WebID cert then even your C++ programming mum
> could in the click of a button get a new workable cert :-)
> Henry
> Social Web Architect



Kingsley Idehen	
President&  CEO
OpenLink Software
Twitter/ kidehen

Received on Thursday, 28 April 2011 17:30:35 UTC