- From: ashok malhotra <ashok.malhotra@oracle.com>
- Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 09:06:51 -0800
- To: Sören Auer <soeren.auer@gmail.com>
- CC: public-xg-rdb2rdf <public-xg-rdb2rdf@w3.org>
Thanks, Soeren! I will put this in because we need an enterprise usecase but I wish we had one that was more specific. All the best, Ashok Sören Auer wrote: > > Following the discussions on the mailinglist and yesterdays telco I > drafted another use-case description. > I think a use-case scenario with prospectively wide impact on the > business domain could nicely complement the community (Triplify), > research (Nicotine Dependency) and administrative-data (Ordinance > Survey) use cases. > Currently, there is some inhomogeneity in the level of abstraction in > the use cases: Ordinance and Nicotine address very specific problems, > whereas Triplify and BIS are of slightly broader nature. Probably no > problem, but maybe worth checking for consistency with other XG > recommendations. > > Here the BIS use case description (feel free to change, add or > completely omit the paragraph): > > > *Integration of Business Information Systems* > > Efficient information and data exchange between application systems > within and across enterprises is of paramount importance in the > increasingly networked and IT-dominated business spheres. Existing > Business Information Systems such as CRM, CMS and ERP systems use > relational database backends for persistence. RDF and Linked Data can > provide data exchange and integration interfaces for such application > systems, which are easy to implement and use, especially in settings > where a loose and flexible coupling of the systems is required. > The mapping language to be standardized within the proposed WG will > rapidly simplify the publishing of enterprise data and information > from the relational data backends and thus facilitate the interlinking > and exchange of information between business information systems. For > this use case scenario on-demand transformation of relational data to > RDF, scalability and completeness with regard to the relational > algebra are central requirements. > >
Received on Saturday, 10 January 2009 17:08:22 UTC