Use case curation

Thank you to Simon Miles, Satya Sahoo, and Paolo Missier very much for  
volunteering today to be use case curators!

I think the comments in the telecon today were very helpful and your  
revised versions will help us set the tone for the other use cases.   
Here is my summary of the points brought up:

- describe use cases without mention of provenance, then bring up  
provenance as part of the solution
- describe use cases in general terms, then point out how they apply  
in a specific context or domain (eg Linked Data, e-science, etc)
- include enough details to highlight the technical challenges brought  
up by the use case
- separate better the use aspects of the use case, so that we can  
highlight what are provenance content and management issues that will  
be used by the consumer and separate out how the consumer uses the  
provenance information

Does anyone remember additional comments or has other points to add?

It would be great to have a revised version of the initial four use  
cases by next Friday if you can make it.

Thanks again, and have a great weekend!


Received on Friday, 4 December 2009 18:52:09 UTC