Re: Use case curation

Hi Yolanda,

Another (possibly obvious) point is to provide a classification under
the proposed categories, as not all use cases have this so far.


2009/12/4 Yolanda Gil <>:
> Thank you to Simon Miles, Satya Sahoo, and Paolo Missier very much for
> volunteering today to be use case curators!
> I think the comments in the telecon today were very helpful and your
> revised versions will help us set the tone for the other use cases.
> Here is my summary of the points brought up:
> - describe use cases without mention of provenance, then bring up
> provenance as part of the solution
> - describe use cases in general terms, then point out how they apply
> in a specific context or domain (eg Linked Data, e-science, etc)
> - include enough details to highlight the technical challenges brought
> up by the use case
> - separate better the use aspects of the use case, so that we can
> highlight what are provenance content and management issues that will
> be used by the consumer and separate out how the consumer uses the
> provenance information
> Does anyone remember additional comments or has other points to add?
> It would be great to have a revised version of the initial four use
> cases by next Friday if you can make it.
> Thanks again, and have a great weekend!
> Yolanda
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Dr Simon Miles
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science
Kings College London, WC2R 2LS, UK
+44 (0)20 7848 1166

Received on Saturday, 5 December 2009 17:55:09 UTC