Re: Planning a face to face meeting

Just a point

Yolanda Gil wrote:
> From the point of view of the timeline of the group, I think earlier
> dates would be better.  The timing and location of the W3C AC meeting
> may be best, and they would have no problem facilitating the logistics
> (room, cost, telecon line, etc).  Also lots of W3C groups have F2F at
> these, so it is also useful for synergistic interactions with other W3C
> groups.  

That is not necessarily true. We try to get f2f meetings around the ac
meeting in the fall, ie, on what we call the tpac. But that is not the
case for the ac meeting in March (although, that is true, the SPARQL WG
is thinking of having its f2f there, which may lead to a conflict to me,



Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Friday, 4 December 2009 18:49:58 UTC