RE: ISSUE-197 (rm -rf petnames): Remove petnames [wsc-xit]

I'm amused by the apparent lack of irony in the use of command line syntax to kill a proposal which aims to create a user friendly interface to X.509 identifiers.

Will this issue be discussed at the Wednesday f2f meeting? If so, at what time? Does the scorched earth policy ("in its entirety and references thereto") represent any emerging consensus in the WG, or is this just Ian being Ian?


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Web Security Context Working Group Issue Tracker
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 1:56 AM
Subject: ISSUE-197 (rm -rf petnames): Remove petnames [wsc-xit]

ISSUE-197 (rm -rf petnames): Remove petnames [wsc-xit]

Raised by: Ian Fette
On product: wsc-xit

Remove 5.1.6 in its entirety and references thereto for June

Received on Tuesday, 13 May 2008 22:06:49 UTC