RE: simple case of IRIs for Components in WSDL 2.0

On Thu, 2005-09-15 at 10:41 -0700, Jonathan Marsh wrote:
> Yes, Dan˙s simple pointers point to XML elements rather than the
> description component,

No, I'm asking for a URI for the interface, not for an XML

In my original message, I wrote:

| ...
| Then we should be able to use
| to refer to that interface.

I suppose I could have been more clear; I don't mean some
indirect reference mechanism; I mean: to identifiy
that interface, directly.

>  per the XPointer spec if we keep compatible with it for our media
> type (and we should!).

I'm asking that the barename #xyz in wsdl isn't short for
the element with id xyz, but rather then component named xyz,
provided there's exactly one such component.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Thursday, 15 September 2005 20:24:37 UTC