Agenda: 2005-11-07 F2F, Tokyo JP

W3C Web Services Addressing Working Group - face-to-face meeting agenda
    7-9 November
    Logistics linked from the WG Admin page < 
    ( All times are JP/Yokohama; see: )

Monday, November 7th
     - Introductions
     - Roll Call
     - Assign Scribes
     - Agenda Review
     - AOB
     - Action Item Review < 
     2005-10-31: cr10 - David Orchard to make modified proposal.   
     2005-10-31: i059 - Marc Hadley to create more fully-formed  
counterpropsal.  DONE
     2005-10-31: cr9 - Marc Hadley to propose amendment to Jonathan's  
proposal.  PENDING

09:15-10:45  Working Draft Issues < 
* i056/i057 clarification

* i065 - What to do when SOAPAction and Default Action Pattern conflict?
   Owner: Katy Warr
   Proposal 1: <>
   Proposal 2: <>

* i059 - Support for asynchronous / multi-MEP usage of web services
   Owner: Glen Daniels
   ACTION: 2005-10-31: Marc Hadley to create more fully-formed  
counterpropsal.  DONE
   Proposal 1: < 
   Proposal 2: < 

10:45-11:00  Morning Break
11:00-12:30  Working Draft Issues (cont'd)
12:30-01:30  Lunch
01:30-03:00  WD Issues (cont’d)
03:00-03:30  Afternoon Break
03:30-05:00  WD Issues (cont’d)

Tuesday, November 8th
09:00-10:45  Candidate Recommendation Issues < 

* cr9 - wsa:Action for undefined faults
   ACTION: 2005-10-31: Marc Hadley to propose amendment to Jonathan's  
proposal.  PENDING
   Proposal 1: Do nothing / Perhaps note in the spec that such action  
values are explicitly not defined.
   Proposal 2: Reuse
   Proposal 3: Define a new action URI for soap faults (e.g. /soap/ 
   Proposal 4: < 

* cr10 - TAG Request for Change to WS Addressing Core
   ACTION: 2005-10-31: David Orchard to make modified proposal.  PENDING
   Proposal 1: Add note: Web Architecture dictates that resources  
should be identified with URIs.  Thus, use of the abstract properties  
of an EPR other than wsa:address to identify resources is contrary to  
Web Architecture.  In certain circumstances, use of such additional  
properties may be convenient or beneficial, perhaps due to the  
availability of QName-based tools.  When building systems that  
violate this principle, care must be taken to weigh the tradeoffs  
inherent in deploying resources that are not on the Web.

* cr11 - SOAP Binding and SOAPAction in SOAP 1.1
   Proposal 1: "Use of the SOAPAction HTTP header is required in the  
HTTP Request when using the SOAP 1.1 HTTP binding. The value of the  
SOAPAction HTTP header, if present, MUST either be "[action]" or  
"" (quotes are significant). The latter case supports the ability to  
obscure the wsa:Action header through SOAP-level security mechanisms,  
without requiring otherwise unnecessary transport-level security. A  
SOAPAction value different to "[action]" or "", results in the  
generation of an Action Mismatch fault (see Action Mismatch)."

10:45-11:00  Morning Break
11:00-12:30  CR Issues (cont'd)
12:30-01:30  Lunch
01:30-03:00  Candidate Recommendation Testing

03:00-03:30  Afternoon Break
03:30-05:00  CR Testing (cont'd)

Wednesday, November 10th
09:00-10:45  Joint Meeting w/ Description WG
10:45-11:00  Morning Break
11:00-01:00  Joint Meeting (cont'd)

Mark Nottingham   Principal Technologist
Office of the CTO   BEA Systems

Received on Wednesday, 2 November 2005 05:30:26 UTC