Re: Proposal: Different specifications for different target audiences

> P.S. We should really stop talking about signaling. I am pretty sure there
> is a strong consensus that there is no need for direct browser-to-browser
> signaling in webrtc. We have protocols for real time media and data, and
> API. The signaling is implemented in JavaScript.
I agree, but we should start a discussion on another thread about how
to develop a pure, server-less browser-to-browser signaling without
parasiting other protocols since it's not really professional. On
another thread it was suggested to me that it would be such a big
issue that would require their own WG...

"Si quieres viajar alrededor del mundo y ser invitado a hablar en un
monton de sitios diferentes, simplemente escribe un sistema operativo
– Linus Tordvals, creador del sistema operativo Linux

Received on Sunday, 21 July 2013 23:34:41 UTC