Re: Moving forward with SDP control

On Sat, Jul 20, 2013 at 6:25 PM, Peter Thatcher <>wrote:

> I'm curious:  As a web developer, if 2.0 were a great API that allowed you
> to never touch SDP, would it matter to you if it were backward compatible
> with 1.0?  How would that negatively impact you?
The issue here is no SDP. It is offer/answer. If I still need to go through
offer/answer state machine to control things, then it affects me
negatively. If we have two parallel APIs, one with SDP and offer/answer and
one without then I would be fine. The other issue would be the amount of
effort that maintaining 1.0 API with offer/answer would take for web
browser developers. If this will take priority over 2.0 we would all lose.
Roman Shpount

Received on Saturday, 20 July 2013 23:26:14 UTC