Re: First JS bulk upload

JavaScript page upload progress.

Work just finished:
1. Upgraded page upload script to not login and logout for each page
2. Deleted vendor-specific pages:
3. Removed " Constant" suffix from pages:
     Float32Array/BYTES PER ELEMENT Constant
     Float64Array/BYTES PER ELEMENT Constant
     Global/Infinity Constant
     Global/NaN Constant
     Global/null Constant
     Global/undefined Constant
     Int8Array/BYTES PER ELEMENT Constant
     Int16Array/BYTES PER ELEMENT Constant
     Int32Array/BYTES PER ELEMENT Constant
     Uint8Array/BYTES PER ELEMENT Constant
     Uint16Array/BYTES PER ELEMENT Constant
     Uint32Array/BYTES PER ELEMENT Constant

Automation to do:
1. fix internal links within pages, then perform another batch upload
2. talk about static method page name (X/X.method versus X/method)
3. talk about Global/* (nobody says "Global.decodeURIComponent" so maybe 
hide the Global prefix)
4  delete pages: Debug*, ScriptEngine*

Non-automation to do:
1. Discuss keeping Object/constructor and erase six other pages 
(Array/constructor, Boolean/constructor, etc), that are essentially 
2. Discuss keeping Object/prototype and erase six other pages 
(Array/prototype, Boolean/prototype, etc), likewise.
3. Probably should not erase six other pages for valueOf: (Array/valueOf 
, Boolean/valueOf , etc), likewise, since they are each custom versions 
that return different things (a string, an array, a boolean value, etc).
4. Create String/X pages for each of the String HTML Tag Methods 
(string.anchor, string.big, string.blink, etc)
5. Discuss folding arguments/0 n Properties and RegExp/1 9 
Propertiesinto their main page then delete them

Received on Saturday, 23 November 2013 20:08:49 UTC