Re: Community Development Task Force Meeting Notes

Let me know how I can help. :)

On 04/17/2013 12:48 AM, Julee wrote:
> OK, Patrick, we'll be looking for your help! :-)
> J
> ----------------------------
> @adobejulee
> From: Patrick D'Souza < <>>
> Reply-To: " <>"
> < <>>
> Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 11:53 AM
> To: Scott Rowe < <>>
> Cc: " <>"
> < <>>
> Subject: Re: Community Development Task Force Meeting Notes
> Doc sprints in New York. Yay !!! :):)
> On 04/16/2013 02:50 PM, Scott Rowe wrote:
>> Thanks to all who attended!
>> At today's meeting of the Community Development task force, we had
>> the following. You can find all of the information below at the
>> following page:
>> *Agenda*
>>   * Establish an irregular meeting time.
>>   * Develop a plan for university outreach and communication.
>>   * Decide when/where to hold up-coming doc sprints.
>> *Actions*
>> Meeting time
>>   * Resolved: the meeting's appointed time shall remain Tuesdays via
>>     Zakim at 10:00 Pacific Time, to be held only if there is an agenda.
>>   * Doug (shepazu): confirm the Zakim reservation and reestablish the
>>     conference code, 3627 for these meetings.
>> University outreach
>>   * Julee to contact Alex (jkomoros) about potential internship
>>     funding and availability.
>>   * Julee to create internal spreadsheet listing contacts, their
>>     address and particulars.
>>   * All to fill in the spreadsheet with contacts - having done the
>>     legwork to sign them up.
>>   * Doug (shepazu) to contact W3C member universities.
>>   * Julee to edit student recruitment message [1] with more detail
>>     about internships and specific tasks/projects for recruits.
>> Doc Sprints
>>   * Resolved: Holding a doc sprint at OpenHelp would be contingent
>>     upon Mozilla also holding a doc sprint. Not likely.
>>   * Tabled: Doc sprint at OSCon, July in Portland, OR.
>>   * Tabled: Doc sprint to coincide with Internet Week New York [2].
>>   * Tabled: Doc sprint in North Carolina.
>>   * Tabled: Doc sprint in New York or Boston area late summer.
>>   * Scott: To work with Peter to identify conferences to target for
>>     New York/Boston late summer.
>>   * Tabled: Doc sprint in Amsterdam, with Frontiers conference in
>>     October.
>> Next meeting
>> We'll hold another meeting next week to discuss progress on actions
>> and tabled items.
>> *Minutes*
>> 10:10 AM ― julee present
>> 10:12 AM <scottrowe_> present
>> 10:12 AM ― jswisher is present
>> 10:12 AM <shepazu> present
>> 10:12 AM <waiseto> present
>> 10:12 AM → Ryan_Lane joined (~Ryan_Lane@wikimedia/Ryan-lane)
>> 10:13 AM <scottrowe_> first decision: we'll keep this time and bridge
>> 10:13 AM <scottrowe_> Doug will make sure that the old conference
>> number, 3627 is valid
>> 10:15 AM <scottrowe_>
>> 10:17 AM <scottrowe_> University outreach: Julee edited the above
>> 10:18 AM <scottrowe_> jkomoros mentioned that there may be internship
>> money available.
>> 10:23 AM <scottrowe_> AI: Julee to confirm with Doug, Alex that we
>> have a program in place before we advertise it in
>> public-webplatform-news.
>> 10:23 AM <scottrowe_> It may be a Google Summer of Code or like program.
>> 10:24 AM → jay_ joined (57bd77b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
>> 10:25 AM <scottrowe_> jswisher: Summer of Code excludes documentation
>> work
>> 10:32 AM <scottrowe_> AI: Wei to send note to Web Education group of
>> W3C, requesting subscriptions to public-webplatform-news, with the
>> body of Julee's Universities note.
>> 10:43 AM <scottrowe_> AI: Julee to create an internal (not shared
>> publicly) spreadsheet of addresses.
>> 10:46 AM <scottrowe_> AI: All to contribute recruits to the spreadsheet.
>> 10:46 AM <julee> W3C university members
>> 10:46 AM <scottrowe_> AI: shepazu to contact Universities that are
>> members of W3C
>> 10:46 AM <waiseto> :)
>> 10:47 AM <scottrowe_> jswisher: English writing programs, technical
>> communication, engineering.
>> 10:50 AM <scottrowe_> next topic, doc sprints
>> 10:50 AM <scottrowe_> shepazu: would like to know who can help with
>> an east coast doc sprint
>> 10:51 AM <scottrowe_> julee: question on the suitability of OpenHelp
>> 10:52 AM <scottrowe_> jswisher: OpenHelp does not attract a lot of
>> web developers
>> 10:52 AM <scottrowe_> shepazu: we would need to reruit our own attendees
>> 10:56 AM <scottrowe_> shepazu: attending with Mozilla would build
>> ties between us and Moz
>> 10:56 AM <scottrowe_> shepazu: might be an opportunity to build
>> content on both sites
>> 10:58 AM <julee>
>> 11:01 AM <julee>
>> 11:01 AM <scottrowe_> resolved: Doc Sprint at OpenHelp contingent
>> upon Mozilla's participation.
>> 11:02 AM <scottrowe_> Meeting adjourned
>> [1]
>> [2]
> -- 
> Patrick D'Souza Developer, Metrics | Do more 1500 Broadway,
> 6th Floor New York, NY, 10036 AIM: padsouza

Patrick D'Souza Developer, Metrics | Do more 1500 Broadway,
6th Floor New York, NY, 10036 AIM: padsouza

Received on Wednesday, 17 April 2013 04:54:16 UTC