Re: WebID-JSON-LD Spec

> I personally simply can't see what else is needed tbh

Perhaps nothing else is needed but, IMHO, we still need to give the GitHub side of the WebID community a chance to join the conversation. And, I think a PR should be the way we change the current version of the spec anyway, given that the spec lives on GitHub.

> Very happy if you want to take this and run with it, I never claim any ownership over anything I write or release, consider it just a well understood idea that's public domain.

You don’t need to own an idea to deserve the credit of being the one who brings it up within a specific context. I for once would not have thought of this approach and I am very glad you did. I’ll make sure to point that out.

All right, I’ll work on a PR.

Received on Wednesday, 8 November 2023 19:02:13 UTC