Re: any volunteers to chair the webid cg?

Hi all,

I am considering to apply as chair at the moment. I previously was 
involved in the RDB2RDF XG Group that lead to R2RML, then the W3C 
standards ITS-2.0  and SHACL as well as previously chairing the BPMLOD 
Community Group [1]. However,  before I apply, I would like to clarify 
1. goals as well as the 2. the WebID definition.

Especially 2. definition is a hard blocker IMHO. There seems to be a lot 
of confusion about every point here and the lack of foundation seems to 
make it very difficult to reach consensus in any way (also lack of clear 
goals and defined use cases).

# What is a WebID?

Maybe we can start with a simple question. Regarding does WebID require point 
1 , 1&2  or 1&2&3.

I would probably consider point 1 to be sufficient as identification and 
even allow URNs.  Although, the "Web" in WebID implies that it SHOULD or 
MUST be on the web.

# Identifier vs. Identity vs. Person

webid:Person is mapped to foaf:Person at the moment. <#me> a foaf:Person 
means that <#me> is the identifier, that identifies a real-world 
person.  So the identifier and actual person is clear. But where or what 
is actually the "identity"? Semantically, I understand "identification" 
. Does this follow some logical school or framework with a definition?  
Or is it just implicitly assumed that the Person and the Web Identity 
are the same thing, although one is digital and one is physical (so 
possibly not identical) and both are identified by the same identifier.

-- Sebastian


On 11/8/23 15:42, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> i believe it's a requirement of cg to have at least one chair
> since a few people are still active, I was wondering if anyone has 
> time to chair the group
> that could also make work items easier
> if not, the group will likely close in due course

Received on Wednesday, 8 November 2023 19:05:19 UTC