Re: WebID-JSON-LD Spec

On Wed, Nov 8, 2023 at 6:14 PM Jacopo Scazzosi <> wrote:

> Nathan, would you be willing and able to start working that into a PR to
> be discussed and further expanded upon on GitHub? If not, would you be
> happy if I were to help in that regard?

I personally simply can't see what else is needed tbh, other than what URI
should correspond to "webid:Agent", if somebody makes one that's solved.
Very happy if you want to take this and run with it, I never claim any
ownership over anything I write or release, consider it just a well
understood idea that's public domain.

Two things are potentially clear:
a) some existing projects will refine it via the -profile, these will
probably entail the most feedback and consideration (SOLID etc)
b) some newer projects will constrain it to a single type, probably a json
one, and run with it getting wider adoption., where it "just works" and no
more is needed.

I'm interested in (b), something simple and widely adoptable, where more
work goes into adoption and using it than specifying it, and ideally where
that work is little more than adding {"@type": "https...webid...#Agent"} to
some JSON.

Received on Wednesday, 8 November 2023 18:36:58 UTC