Re: WebID-JSON-LD Spec

On Wed, Nov 8, 2023 at 6:50 PM Kingsley Idehen <>

> A WebID is an HTTP URI that *unambiguously* names an Agent.
+1, good add.

> A WebID is loosely bound to a variety of profile document types associated
> with what can be seen as WebID Profile Document Type specifications.
Adding that as a MUST instead of a MAY by defining that aspect dooms webid,
as implementers then need to connect + rdf + whatever else is entailed.
It's either a simple to implement concept or not.

> A WebID resolves to a WebID Profile Document.
Is WebID Profile Document inor out of scope here? If out of scope we're
golden, if in scope.. maybe just defer to the SOLID group and abandon.

Received on Wednesday, 8 November 2023 19:00:37 UTC