Re: WebID-JSON-LD Spec

On Wed, 08 Nov 2023 20:01:53 +0100 Jacopo Scazzosi <> wrote:
> > I personally simply can't see what else is needed tbh
> Perhaps nothing else is needed but, IMHO, we still need to give the
> GitHub side of the WebID community a chance to join the conversation.
> And, I think a PR should be the way we change the current version of
> the spec anyway, given that the spec lives on GitHub.

Perhaps WebID-JSON-LD need to decide if is for semantics (and can be
expanded) or a lightweight JSON document for navigation purposes only
(which may just happen to be parsable as JSON-LD but is less

If we're talking about a navigational document to other personal profile
documents, then perhaps that should rather be solved with just
Signposting <> and not need any fixed content
representation at all?  

The signposting can link to any "classic" FOAF documents etc and have
explicit formats and profiles:

$ pip install signposting

$ signposting
Signposting for
CiteAs: <>
Type: <>
DescribedBy: <> application/rdf+xml
             <> text/turtle
             <> text/ntriples
             <> application/ld+json
             <> text/html
             <> application/ld+json
             <> text/turtle
             <> application/n-triples
             <> application/rdf+xml
             <> application/n-triples
             <> application/rdf+xml
             <> text/turtle
             <> application/xml
             <> application/n-triples
             <> application/vnd.orcid+json
             <> application/xml
             <> application/rdf+xml
             <> text/turtle
             <> application/ld+json
             <> application/vnd.orcid+xml

You can now find any of your favourites, even externally in different
vocabularies and formats. 

Note that agreement/convention will be needed on the profile URLs, but
that doesn't have to come from that identity provider, as examplified
in the full headers below:

$ curl --head --location

HTTP/2 200
date: Thu, 09 Nov 2023 00:35:34 GMT
content-location: foaf.ttl
vary: negotiate,accept
link: <>;rel=cite-as
link: <>rel=canonical
link: <>;rel=type
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="text/turtle";profile=""
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="text/ntriples";profile=""
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="application/rdf+xml";profile=""
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="application/ld+json";profile=""
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="text/html";profile=""
link: <>;rel=related
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="application/ld+json";profile=""
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="text/turtle";profile=""
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="application/rdf+xml";profile=""
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="application/n-triples";profile=""
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="application/xml";profile=""
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="application/vnd.orcid+xml"
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="application/vnd.orcid+json"
link: <>;rel=related
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="text/turtle";profile=""
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="application/n-triples";profile=""
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="application/rdf+xml";profile=""
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="application/xml";profile=""
link: <>;rel=related
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="text/turtle";profile=""
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="application/n-triples";profile=""
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="application/rdf+xml";profile=""
link: <>;rel=describedby;type="application/ld+json";profile=""

Note that signposting is not semantic (don't infer owl:sameAs etc), but
naigational, so there is no big problem with being both a document and a
person here..

The multiple describedby here also makes any needed content-negotiation
options explicit -- which is important as ORCID use different semenatic
profiles depending on requesting JSON-LD or RDF/XML.

Signposting use regular Link headers (rfc8288), so it can also be
applied in HTML <link> documents and in dedicated linkset.json documents
(rfc9264) that you find with rel=linkset.

Stian Soiland-Reyes, The University of Manchester
 Please note that I may work flexibly - whilst it suits me to email now,
 I do not expect a response or action outside of your own working hours.

Received on Thursday, 9 November 2023 01:04:11 UTC