Re: YouID for Android Released

On 2014-05-22 13:03, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> On 5/22/14 12:55 AM, Anders Rundgren wrote:
>> Statements like "take full control of your online (Web and Internet)
>> Identity" may sound cool but has essentially no value since just about
>> all service providers have their own "identity system" which you
>> either accept or reject.  The latter means you won't be able to use
>> their services.  Calling this "take full control" is IMO quite a stretch.
> You have full control of your (Web and Internet) Identity when the
> following hold true:
> 1. You control the Identifiers that denote You
> 2. You control the Identity Cards that Describe You
> 3. You control the location of Identity Cards that Describe You
> 4. You control the Signature used to verify You
> 5. You control the control how Data is encoded for You
> 6. You control the ACL and Access policies for accessing stuff created
> by You
> 6. You can achieve all of the above from any platform You choose.

Of course!  What I'm (indirectly) saying is that this doesn't apply to
- Government IDs
- Enterprises using AD
- Banks
because in those cases you are *assigned* an identity and what is behind that is
completely out of your control.  Your only option is not using the services.

> Look, the architecture of the World Wide Web wasn't built for any
> particular industry. It was built to empower You!

IMO, the web is just a network and can in similarity with most other
technology be used in good and bad ways.

I regard "the distributed social web" as a positive development but I
also have severe problems with the proponents' lack of interest in
traditional uses since this is how Microsoft managed achieving a ZERO
market-share for their take on authentication in the consumer space.
Pragmatism you know :-)

> I notice you still don't send signed emails, why? I don't believe that
> has anything to do with a particular industry, or does it? :-)

Well, I have actually been involved in this discussion since around Y2000
but I don't want to go over this here...



Received on Thursday, 22 May 2014 12:56:19 UTC