RE: YouID for Android Released

The open web is now oligarchic. Any commercial news post has comments, placed by some (military) pr flack. On tv, companies will now make "older" folks a facebooky-thingy page, "with comments". Every phone comes with an always on mic, location sensor
. Etc etc

Lets design security policies and components for the reality in which we live.

The idealism period is over.

What loosely coupled linked data trust models can do is fashion a new anti culture (call it crypto subversion, if u must). Out of that, in 20 years time there will be a swing back towards more true)personal ideals.

Right now. We are in the era of finding out how to dump nsa location-chip mission  for something less militaristic - like eliminate the taxi system, as we know it.

I'm hopeful.I saw json-ld placed quite prominently at last weeks Microsoft teched show - and without any of the fratricidalbaggage. Folks will be interested in trust modeling for people (vs "the governed").

You did good.

I signed email with pkcs7 in 1991, built by an Algerian recent phd trying to avoid military service (which upset the local gchq types overseeing us), and an Iranian woman doing the management (even more upsetting to the overseers). The web is built on anti culture, particularly in crypto.

Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Kingsley Idehen<>
Sent: ‎5/‎22/‎2014 4:03 AM
To:<>; Peter Williams<>
Subject: Re: YouID for Android Released

On 5/22/14 12:55 AM, Anders Rundgren wrote:
> Statements like "take full control of your online (Web and Internet)
> Identity" may sound cool but has essentially no value since just about
> all service providers have their own "identity system" which you
> either accept or reject.  The latter means you won't be able to use
> their services.  Calling this "take full control" is IMO quite a stretch.

You have full control of your (Web and Internet) Identity when the
following hold true:

1. You control the Identifiers that denote You
2. You control the Identity Cards that Describe You
3. You control the location of Identity Cards that Describe You
4. You control the Signature used to verify You
5. You control the control how Data is encoded for You
6. You control the ACL and Access policies for accessing stuff created
by You
6. You can achieve all of the above from any platform You choose.

Look, the architecture of the World Wide Web wasn't built for any
particular industry. It was built to empower You!

I notice you still don't send signed emails, why? I don't believe that
has anything to do with a particular industry, or does it? :-)



Kingsley Idehen
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Received on Thursday, 22 May 2014 12:48:45 UTC