from May 2022 by subject

05/04/2022 W3C Web Authentication Meeting

05/18/2022 W3C Web Authentication Meeting

06/01/2022 W3C Web Authentication Meeting

[w3c/webauthn] 0678b0: Updates based on DOM's abort reason (#1706)

[w3c/webauthn] 307c29: Updates based on DOM's abort reason (#1706)

[w3c/webauthn] 4442cb: Narrow claim about MitM resistance to tampering sp...

[w3c/webauthn] 743802: Make a normative-looking "may" actually normative ...

[w3c/webauthn] 939e8d: Make Jeff Hodges a former editor. (#1724)

[w3c/webauthn] ccfd0b: Resolve comment by jovasco

[w3c/webauthn] d30a94: Make Jeff Hodges a former editor. (#1724)

[w3c/webauthn] d388f9: Add security consideration: Code injection attacks

[w3c/webauthn] d92bad: The DPK is stored on the authenticator.

[w3c/webauthn] df052b: Add security consideration: Code injection attacks

[w3c/webauthn] f9ccf4: Mention constant-zero signature counter in §6.1.1 ...

[webauthn] Authentication through only what you are (#1728)

[webauthn] backup states in authenticator data (#1695)

[webauthn] Can userHandle be an empty string? (#1722)

[webauthn] device public key extension (#1663)

[webauthn] Drop generic client extension processing? (#1730)

[webauthn] Make Jeff Hodges a former editor. (#1724)

[webauthn] Mention constant-zero case in §6.1.1 Signature Counter Considerations (#1736)

[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Make Jeff Hodges a former editor.

[webauthn] Merged Pull Request: Updates based on DOM's abort reason

[webauthn] Missing specification on rpId validation when invoking the API from 3rd party origin (#1731)

[webauthn] Missing specification on rpId validations when calling credentials.get() from a different origin (#1731)

[webauthn] new commits pushed by agl

[webauthn] new commits pushed by emlun

[webauthn] new commits pushed by github-actions[bot]

[webauthn] new commits pushed by nsatragno

[webauthn] Portability of private keys (#865)

[webauthn] Provide passwordless example, or update 1.3.2. to be a passwordless example (#1735)

[webauthn] Pull Request: Add "Code injection attacks" security consideration

[webauthn] Pull Request: Mention constant-zero signature counter in §6.1.1 Signature Counter Considerations

[webauthn] Pull Request: Readd the PRF extension.

[webauthn] Readd the PRF extension. (#1732)

[webauthn] Refer to options for the user verification check (#1718)

[webauthn] Support for remote desktops (#1577)

[webauthn] Unclear/underspecified signature formats (#1721)

[webauthn] Updates based on DOM's abort reason (#1706)

[webauthn] §6.1.1. Signature Counter Considerations does not explicitly mention constant-zero case (#1734)

Closed: [webauthn] Authentication through only what you are (#1728)

Closed: [webauthn] Can userHandle be an empty string? (#1722)

Closed: [webauthn] Fix the "aborted flag" reference (#1682)

Closed: [webauthn] Unclear/underspecified signature formats (#1721)

Event Canceled: WebAuthn WG - canceled after F2F

Event Updated: WebAuthn F2F at RSA 2022

Weekly github digest (WebAuthn)

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 May 2022 21:05:06 UTC