07/05/2017 W3C Web Authentication WG Meeting Agenda
07/12/2017 W3C Web Authentication WG Meeting Agenda
07/19/2017 W3C Web Authentication WG Meeting Agenda
07/26/2017 W3C Web Authentication WG Meeting Agenda
[w3c/webauthn] 02d6a1: Pass requireUserVerification to authenticator in a...
[w3c/webauthn] 1d1d2e: Built by Travis-CI: 49da4d6a2e3b6e327cd76a2bce77dd...
[w3c/webauthn] 3dc51c: explicitly level 1, fixes #475
[w3c/webauthn] 3ecdb9: Built by Travis-CI: 50ea70c73546ab2fd20ffc4ad81f52...
[w3c/webauthn] 52b442: PublicKeyCredentialParameters parameter name is al...
[w3c/webauthn] 639efe: Built by Travis-CI: 52b4422b372ec5d56da89f4808cfb1...
[w3c/webauthn] 9c3940: fixup global object reference per domenic, improve...
[w3c/webauthn] a2a421: redraw fig 3, polish attestation & assertion signa...
[w3c/webauthn] a816b3: Renamed MakeCredentialOptions to MakePublicKeyCred...
[w3c/webauthn] b39998: Changed tabs to 8 spaces
[w3c/webauthn] b5527a: Built by Travis-CI: 4e273b509239f6657f8846404abe46...
[w3c/webauthn] cfb43a: Built by Travis-CI: e44a7af33ce2085685d550ee951425...
[w3c/webauthn] d7fd46: Fix typo.
[w3c/webauthn] dd4b51: Built by Travis-CI: ef83674b2c944e9ab07bec44a6af85...
[w3c/webauthn] e44a7a: add links to scribe/bot instructions
[w3c/webauthn] ef8367: add requireResidentKey param to the invocation ste...
[webauthn] Add getAuthenticatorInfo to the Authenticator Model section
[webauthn] Add isPlatformAuthenticatorReady function to the API surface
[webauthn] add requireResidentKey param to the invocation step of authenticatorMakeCredential
[webauthn] Adds requireUserVerification option in AuthenticatorSelectionCriteria
[webauthn] Attestation Data defines ECC key X, Y parameters two ways
[webauthn] Eliminate duplicate terminology
[webauthn] FIDO U2F Attestation Statement Format doesn't say what to do with AAGUID
[webauthn] FIDO U2F Attestation Statement Format doesn't say what to do with Counter
[webauthn] Is AlgorithmIdentifier value a string or an object?
[webauthn] MakeCredentialOptions should be MakePublicKeyCredentialOptions
[webauthn] MakeCredentialOptions.parameters needs more precise name
[webauthn] new commits pushed by equalsJeffH
[webauthn] new commits pushed by jcjones
[webauthn] new commits pushed by samuelweiler
[webauthn] new commits pushed by selfissued
[webauthn] new commits pushed by WebAuthnBot
[webauthn] Pre-Registration Discovery
[webauthn] Public draft images return 404
[webauthn] PublicKeyCredentialDescriptor.id and PublicKeyCredentialEntity.id type differ
[webauthn] PublicKeyCredentialRequestOptions and MakeCredentialOptions could both inherit from a dictionary which has their shared members
[webauthn] rename "attestation data" to be "attested credential"
[webauthn] requireResidentKey param missing from invocation of authenticatorMakeCredential
[webauthn] restrict webauthn support to "valid domains" ?
[webauthn] Specify how to handle authenticators that are plugged after registration/signing is requested
[webauthn] There is no "current settings object" in algorithm steps that are executing in parallel
[webauthn] undefined terms
Closed: [webauthn] denote current Web Authentication spec as "Level 1"
Closed: [webauthn] excludeList/allowList can be defaulted to a zero-length sequence in IDL instead of prose
Closed: [webauthn] MakeCredentialOptions should be MakePublicKeyCredentialOptions
Closed: [webauthn] MakeCredentialOptions.parameters needs more precise name
Closed: [webauthn] requireResidentKey param missing from invocation of authenticatorMakeCredential
Closed: [webauthn] Section 4.1.4 Use Existing Credential "get"
Eleven comments on " Web Authentication: An API for accessing Public Key Credentials". W3C Working Draft, 5 May 2017
fyi: ECDAA: Fixing TPM 2.0 for Provably Secure Anonymous Attestation
Meeting minutes: 5 July
Rust-based USB U2F library
WD-05 to ED-2017-07-20 diff
Last message date: Monday, 31 July 2017 23:42:25 UTC