- From: =JeffH <Jeff.Hodges@KingsMountain.com>
- Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2017 08:49:28 -0700
- To: W3C Web Authn WG <public-webauthn@w3.org>
Of possible interest... One TPM to Bind Them All: Fixing TPM 2.0 for Provably Secure Anonymous Attestation Jan Camenisch, Liqun Chen, Manu Drijvers, Anja Lehmann, David Novick, Rainer Urian http://eprint.iacr.org/2017/639 The Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is an international standard for a security chip that can be used for the management of cryptographic keys and for remote attestation. The specification of the most recent TPM 2.0 interfaces for direct anonymous attestation unfortunately has a number of severe shortcomings. First of all, they do not allow for security proofs (indeed, the published proofs are incorrect). Second, they provide a Diffie-Hellman oracle w.r.t. the secret key of the TPM, weakening the security and preventing forward anonymity of attestations. Fixes to these problems have been proposed, but they create new issues: they enable a fraudulent TPM to encode information into an attestation signature, which could be used to break anonymity or to leak the secret key. Furthermore, all proposed ways to remove the Diffie-Hellman oracle either strongly limit the functionality of the TPM or would require significant changes to the TPM 2.0 interfaces. In this paper we provide a better specification of the TPM 2.0 interfaces that addresses these problems and requires only minimal changes to the current TPM 2.0 commands. We then show how to use the revised interfaces to build q-SDH- and LRSW-based anonymous attestation schemes, and prove their security. We finally discuss how to obtain other schemes addressing different use cases such as key-binding for U-Prove and e-cash. ### from the introduction: [...] Some of the changes to the TPM 2.0 interfaces we propose have already been adopted by the TCG and will appear in the forthcoming revision of the TPM 2.0 specifications. The remaining changes are currently under review by the TPM working group. Furthermore, the authors are in discussion with the other bodies standardizing DAA protocols to adopt our changes and schemes, in particular ISO w.r.t. to ISO/IEC 20008-2, Intel for EPID, and with the FIDO alliance for their specification of anonymous attestation [CDE+], so that all of these standards will define provably secure protocols that are compatible with each other [...] [CDE+], Jan Camenisch, Manu Drijvers, Alec Edgington, Anja Lehmann, Rolf Lindemann, and Rainer Urian. FIDO ECDAA algorithm, implementation draft. https://fidoalliance.org/specs/fido-uaf-v1.1-id-20170202/fido-ecdaa-algorithm-v1.1-id-20170202.html
Received on Monday, 31 July 2017 15:49:59 UTC