- From: J.C. Jones <jc@mozilla.com>
- Date: Wed, 5 Jul 2017 11:09:39 -0700
- To: W3C WebAuthn WG <public-webauthn@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAObDDPDQAQ63MZFT2pAGa9qBpAAp2qKNVx4ZjnSH4QR679KVHA@mail.gmail.com>
It appears that we neglected to start trackbot, so the minutes didn't post. Here's my transcript. [09:43:51] jeffh (~jeffh@public.cloak) joined the channel [09:53:47] jeffh: present+ jeffh [09:59:05] jfontana (~jfontana@public.cloak) joined the channel [10:04:39] jcj_moz: present+ jcj_moz [10:06:54] apowers (~apowers@public.cloak) joined the channel [10:11:37] jeffh: topic: https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/379 [10:11:56] jeffh: angelo: can jcj_moz review this? [10:12:10] jcj_moz: jcj_moz: Yes, will do tomorrow [10:12:11] jeffh: jcj_moz: will try to do so tomorrow [10:12:23] angelo (~angelo@public.cloak) joined the channel [10:12:32] jeffh: topic: https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/460 [10:12:46] jeffh: tony: is alexei's (aka leshi) [10:13:54] jeffh: christiaan: Alexei is consulting on it, it is assigned to Mike Jones, yes? [10:13:56] jeffh: tony: yes [10:15:11] jeffh: topic: https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/495 [10:17:05] jeffh: jeffh: is ready [10:17:09] jeffh: angelo: this is ok [10:17:28] jeffh: jcj_moz: will review today/tomorrow [10:19:03] jeffh: topic: https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/pull/498 [10:20:52] jeffh: jeffh: this needs input from mkwst, domenic, jeffrey, etc. there are also related issues in credential-management. this needs to be done right and can wait for next WD release [10:21:10] jeffh: topic: overall open WD-06 issues [10:22:56] jeffh: tony: have 18 open wd-o6 issues, several will be fixed by open pull reqests discussed above [10:23:43] Ketan (~Ketan@public.cloak) joined the channel [10:24:17] jeffh: topic: https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/349 [10:24:47] jeffh: angelo: enlisting help from a msft person working on ctap to do a pr for this, perhaps wd-07 item.... [10:34:26] jeffh: we wend thru list of open WD-06 issues https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues?q=is%3Aissue+milestone%3AWD-06+is%3Aopen [10:34:41] jcj_moz: https://webauthn.bin.coffee/ [10:35:37] jeffh: punted a few of them to WD-07 milestone. also jcj_moz reveiwed PR #495 and merged it. resulted in now having 13 open WD-06 issues [10:37:04] jeffh: jcj_moz: if you run FF nightly, can use the above to try it out [10:37:55] jcj_moz: example: https://screenshots.firefox.com/TiIlmnzvnfmGSLCy/webauthn.bin.coffee [10:38:50] jeffh: "official" portion of call over -- now discuss pr #498 and issue #472 -- threading stuff.... [10:39:13] jeffh: see also: https://github.com/w3c/webappsec-credential-management/issues/92 [10:39:27] angelo (~angelo@public.cloak) left IRC (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) [10:40:48] jeffh: topics: https://github.com/w3c/webappsec-credential-management/issues/92 https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/472 https://github.com/w3c/webappsec-credential-management/issues/92 [10:41:59] jeffh: jcj_moz: wrt webatuhn #254, in practice copy settings stuff into "runnables", and also if focus changes we cancel outstanding ops [10:48:32] jeffh: jcj_moz: in FF need to access settings/global/origin while in main event loop -- if things change while in parallel, issue cancel. So in credman, might need to add actual notion of cancellation, and also have it do all the global accesses on main event loop, and pass-in realm-agnostic values to the in-parallel sections. [10:48:51] jeffh: jcj_moz: this matters in FF code for example [10:49:26] jcj_moz: Alternatively, this could be done without changing credman, if we finish up https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/316 [10:49:41] jcj_moz: which I see got more comments while I was away, saying to do it right needs a change to HTML [10:50:28] jcj_moz: but resolving https://github.com/w3c/webauthn/issues/316 + also changing the order of events in the algorithms to copy out snapshots of the global objects should be an alternative way to solve the issue in #254 [10:51:09] jcj_moz: because then we have a way to cancel if the page changes those snapshots-of-globals [11:04:06] jeffh (~jeffh@public.cloak) left IRC ("Page closed") [11:06:51] jcj_moz: (Call Ends) [11:06:59] jcj_moz: rrsagent, draft minutes
Received on Wednesday, 5 July 2017 18:10:32 UTC