- Re: which algorithm do we use for copying buffer sources in dictionaries?
- Re: which algorithm do we use for copying buffer sources in dictionaries?
- which algorithm do we use for copying buffer sources in dictionaries?
- status of PR #100 and issue #92 et al
Alexandra Lacourba
Artur Janc
- Re: CSP policy for navigation events
- Re: CSP policy for navigation events
- Re: CSP policy for navigation events
- Re: [CSP3] "style-src 'none';" and presentation hints/mapped attributes
Caleb Queern
Daniel Veditz
Devdatta Akhawe
Frederik Braun
- Re: [clear-site-data] User Tracking via TLS Session Resumption
- Re: [CSP3] Suggestion for COOKIE directive
- TPAC 2018 - Remote participation
J.C. Jones
- Re: which algorithm do we use for copying buffer sources in dictionaries?
- Re: which algorithm do we use for copying buffer sources in dictionaries?
Jim Manico
John Wilander
Jonathan Watt
José Moyano Gutiérrez
Julian Reschke
Matt Rosenquist
Mike West
- CfC to adopt Feature Policy (deadline Nov. 7th)
- Today’s teleconference cancelled.
- Re: Draft Agenda/Schedule for TPAC.
- Re: CSP policy for navigation events
- Draft Agenda/Schedule for TPAC.
- Re: TPAC 2018 - Remote participation