Re: [WebSQL] Any future plans, or has IndexedDB replaced WebSQL?

> That's not the only reason.  Mozilla laid out others ten months ago:

Mozilla's plan appears to be to implement IndexedDB on top of SQLite,
and then encourage developers to build SQL in javascript on top of
IndexedDB.  That seems like a ludicrous hoop to jump through to avoid
letting SQLite become an ad-hoc standard, not to mention a terrible
performance killer for the sake of... what, exactly?  Why not just
expose the thing and let developers worry about whether what they're
using is standard or not, and suffer the consequences later, if in
fact there are any?  It seems to me that the proper role for standards
is to step in and help clear things up when they get messy, not to
prevent developers from accessing useful tools.  If SQLite offers a
consistent SQL interface for the next decade, this will all seem very
foolish, and if they don't, nothing's stopping a fork from maintaining
whatever "standard" has evolved up to that point, or making
improvements to make it more suitable for exposing to developers
through the browser.


Received on Thursday, 7 April 2011 01:28:16 UTC