Re: XHR responseArrayBuffer attribute: suggestion to replace "asBlob" with "responseType"

On 10/28/10 5:40 PM, Chris Rogers wrote:
> I'm not sure I completely understand the use case with the cross-site
> scripts.  Are we talking about a situation where one library initiates
> the XHR and another library's event listener receives the data, where
> it's not aware if the data is actually text or a binary payload?

The cross-site script use case I was thinking is something simple like 
allowing some whitelisted sites to request gmail attachments for a given 
user.  You don't necessarily know what you're getting until the data 
starts coming in.

 > I can understand the concerns about throwing an exception and how 
hard it
> might be to debug.

The concern in the cross-site case is that you're less likely than in 
the same-site case to know before you start getting the data what data 
to expect, since the whole point of cross-site is that you don't control 
the data you're getting.

> But isn't this a problem case also if we don't throw
> an exception and the data is interpreted as text when it's really binary
> or vice versa?

I'm not sure there's the dichotomy is as sharp as you make it out, but 
in any case, the "right" way to access the data can be based on the 
content-type the data reports, yes?  It's just that this decision can't 
be made at open() time.

> After all, if you access responseText and the data is
> really binary, then it will be converted to some bogus text string

Sure.  Though if the data is "really text" you may meaningfully want to 
access the actual bytes sent.


Received on Friday, 29 October 2010 01:49:02 UTC