Re: XHR responseArrayBuffer attribute: suggestion to replace "asBlob" with "responseType"

On 10/27/10 3:21 AM, Darin Fisher wrote:
>     I have no problem with hinting to the implementor that the result is
>     expected to be used as a Blob so they can optimistically store it to
>     disk.  My problem is with then making it impossible to get it as a
>     string if needed later (which would just involve reading the data
>     from disk into memory).
> Yes, but doing so is inefficient since the API requires the data to be
> in memory synchronously.  We don't want to block the UI thread on disk IO.

Well... either this will be a rare case (how rare compared to the data 
just being paged out?) or it'll be common enough that the exceptions 
thrown in that situation in the current proposal would be a problem, no?


Received on Wednesday, 27 October 2010 07:25:20 UTC