Re: Proposal for mousewheel events

Sjoerd Visscher wrote:
>> On the other, I am concerned that the synchronization of diagonal 
>> movement
>> will be extremely hard to manage in script in a situation where the 
>> author
>> wants to capture both as part of the same event. Can someone describe how
>> this could easily be done with this proposal? It seems easier to set the
>> value of one or the other to 0, if cancelling them is desired, than it 
>> would
>> be to join together 2 separate events.
> This could simply be solved by not allowing a redraw between the 2 events.

I just checked and this is just like onmouseup and onclick, there is no 
redraw between those events in Firefox and IE.

F.e. if you make the body background black in onmouseup, then start a 
calculation in onclick that takes a while, and at the end set the 
background back to white, you'll never see a black background.

(Opera doesn't seem to have the concept of single threaded javascript at 

Sjoerd Visscher

Received on Monday, 10 April 2006 12:33:12 UTC