Re: Proposal for mousewheel events

Sjoerd Visscher wrote:
> I just checked and this is just like onmouseup and onclick, there is no 
> redraw between those events in Firefox and IE.

It depends on what you do between them, actually.

> F.e. if you make the body background black in onmouseup, then start a 
> calculation in onclick that takes a while, and at the end set the 
> background back to white, you'll never see a black background.

On the other hand, if you start a synchronous XMLHttpRequest in onmouseup after 
setting the background, what happens?  Does the browser not draw at all until 
the XMLHttpRequest finishes?  (It's actually possible that Gecko does that; but 
we're working on fixing those cases.)


Received on Monday, 10 April 2006 15:50:07 UTC