from May 2014 by subject

[.travis.yml-tests][2dcontext-tests][conformance-checkers-tests][custom-elements-tests][eventsource-tests][html-tests][test-infra] Create a lint for enforcing test format rules. (#977)

[.travis.yml-tests][2dcontext-tests][custom-elements-tests][eventsource-tests][html-tests][test-infra] Create a lint for enforcing test format rules. (#977)

[.travis.yml-tests][2dcontext-tests][IndexedDB-tests][XMLHttpRequest-tests][animation-timing-tests][conformance-checkers-tests][custom-elements-tests][eventsource-tests][html-tests][microdata-tests][notifications-tests][quirks-mode-tests][selectors-tests][test-assets][test-infra] Path corrections for font and css support files (#944)

[2dcontext-tests] add test that check 2dcontext imageSmoothingEnabled attribute (#855)

[2dcontext-tests] Add tests that check addHitRegion throws NotSupportedError (#851)

[2dcontext-tests] Canvas state (#872)

[2dcontext-tests] Updated a canvas test to match current spec. (#948)

[2dcontext-tests][IndexedDB-tests][XMLHttpRequest-tests][animation-timing-tests][conformance-checkers-tests][custom-elements-tests][eventsource-tests][html-tests][notifications-tests][quirks-mode-tests][selectors-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests][test-assets][test-infra] Path corrections for font and css support files (#944)

[2dcontext-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Hitregions members test (#858)

[ambient-light-tests] Add more test cases for Ambient Light Events (#395)

[animation-timing-tests] add FrameRequestCallback test it assert callback is called within 1 seco... (#418)

[animation-timing-tests] Animation timing basic (#931)

[app-uri-tests] app-URI spec compliance tests (#325)

[app-uri-tests][stale-awaiting-review-tests] app-URI spec compliance tests (#325)

[conformance-checkers-tests] cc Added URL tests. (#915)

[cors-tests] Microsoft CORS tests (#119)

[cors-tests] Start of port of WebKit CORS tests (#116)

[cors-tests] WebKit CORS tests (originally from r102004) (#117)

[cors-tests][test-infra] Remove https server from configuration until it is supported (#1031)

[CSP-tests] Bhill csp tests (#114)

[CSP-tests] Mozilla CSP tests (#115)

[CSP-tests] WebKit CSP tests (#118)

[custom-elements-tests] adding missing files (#1002)

[custom-elements-tests] fixing share-registry-import-document.html test (#1003)

[custom-elements-tests] replacing <script type="text/javascript"> with <script> (#998)

[custom-elements-tests] second bunch of custom elements tests (#469)

[custom-elements-tests] Tests for callback 'created' (#609)

[custom-elements-tests] tests for chapter "Unresolved Element Pseudoclass" (#971)

[custom-elements-tests] tests for chapter '8.1 Extensions to Document Interface' (#989)

[custom-elements-tests] tests for chapter 'Extensions to Document Interface' (#961)

[custom-elements-tests] tests for definition construction algorithm (#933)

[custom-elements-tests] tests for unresolved element interface (#952)

[dom-tests] Add tests for Document.getElementById(). (#1007)

[dom-tests][stale-awaiting-review-tests] Add NodeIterator tests (#929)

[dom-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Add tests for Document.getElementById(). (#1007)

[domparsing-tests] Additional Tests for DOM Parsing and Serialization (#446)

[eventsource-tests] Make event source tests a bit more tolerant of timing differences. (#957)

[eventsource-tests] new test for EventSource + request cancellation (#285)

[eventsource-tests][html-tests] Moved EventSource IDL tests. (#1015)

[eventsource-tests][stale-awaiting-review-tests] Add eventsource readyState tests (#892)

[FileAPI-tests] [ttwf shanghai 2013] add some test cases (#282)

[FileAPI-tests] Add test cases for FileReader States. (#287)

[FileAPI-tests] Add test for revoking Blob urls. (#1004)

[FileAPI-tests] Address some issues with the FileAPI encoding determination test (#561)

[FileAPI-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] [ttwf shanghai 2013] add test for FileReader Multiple Reads (#288)

[geolocation-API-tests] Import Geolocation API Test Suite (#349)

[geolocation-API-tests] Import IDL tests for Geolocation API (#348)

[geolocation-API-tests][stale-awaiting-review-tests] Import Geolocation API Test Suite (#349)

[geolocation-API-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Import IDL tests for Geolocation API (#348)

[html-imports-tests] HTML Imports: Cover "Extensions to Document Interface" section. (#1027)

[html-imports-tests] HTML Imports: Cover "Extensions to HTMLLinkElement Interface" (#1026)

[html-imports-tests][stale-awaiting-review-tests] Add a test for html sub imports traversal. (#853)

[html-media-capture-tests] Created tests for (#306)

[html-templates-tests] Fix tests for parsing template elements inside XHTML documents (#447)

[html-tests] Add 4 tests for HTML sandboxing (5.4) (#187)

[html-tests] Add a manual test for providing a stable state in alert/confirm/prompt (#970)

[html-tests] Add a test for Document.forms. (#1000)

[html-tests] Add section tests (#18)

[html-tests] Add test for EventSource#url in url query encoding testsuite (#962)

[html-tests] Add tests for the label element (#945)

[html-tests] Add whole load of tests for "Loading Web Pages". (#304)

[html-tests] Added test for track api textTracks exist (#865)

[html-tests] added tests for the Meter Element and the Progress Element (#330)

[html-tests] Added window proxy tests (#867)

[html-tests] Adding Test from TtWF (#76)

[html-tests] Address review comments for PR #403 (#1030)

[html-tests] Give SVG sizing tests a long timeout. (#1033)

[html-tests] Import latest tests from html5lib-tests (#463)

[html-tests] Mulder21c (#864)

[html-tests] Opera submission of the bulk of the register*Handler testsuite (2nd try) (#37)

[html-tests] read-write, read-only test (#997)

[html-tests] Refine form constraints tests (#910)

[html-tests] Remove duplicated Web Storage IDL tests. (#1016)

[html-tests] Submission/airgundam (#416)

[html-tests] Submission/cosmichut (#412)

[html-tests] test dataset with unicode value (#403)

[html-tests] Test Form Attribute is supported on input element (#410)

[html-tests] Test HTML5 input type color (#414)

[html-tests] Test img loading. WIP (#996)

[html-tests] Tests for disabled elements (#567)

[html-tests] Tests for document.lastModified on 3.1 Documents (#334)

[html-tests] tests for overwriting win.opener and accessing it x-domain (#999)

[html-tests] tests on input types {email,password,number,checkbox,radio,file,image,reset,button} (#773)

[html-tests][old-tests] WebKit's submission (#7)

[html-tests][stale-awaiting-review-tests] add arguments test (#875)

[html-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Add whole load of tests for "Loading Web Pages". (#304)

[html-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] addCue and removeCue Test Source (#871)

[html-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Added a test file for the input tag url state. (#331)

[html-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Added ref tests for the dir attribute. (#564)

[html-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] added tests for the Meter Element and the Progress Element (#330)

[html-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Added window proxy tests (#867)

[html-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Adding tests for data-* attributes (#569)

[html-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] test dataset with unicode value (#403)

[html-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Timdenney/disabled form (#570)

[html-tests][url-tests] Add URL IDL tests & drop stale (untested) URL IDLs (#1011)

[html-tests][websockets-tests] Moved Web Sockets IDL tests. (#1014)

[html-tests][webvtt-tests] Moved WebVTT IDL tests. (#1010)

[html-tests][workers-tests] Moved Workers IDL tests out to separate file. (#1013)

[IndexedDB-tests] Add a test for IDBIndex count (#920)

[IndexedDB-tests] Add more tests for IDBCursor delete (#986)

[IndexedDB-tests] Add more tests for IDBIndex openCursor (#965)

[IndexedDB-tests] Add more tests for IDBIndex openKeyCursor (#966)

[IndexedDB-tests] Correct IndexedDB test issues (#848)

[IndexedDB-tests] IndexedDB: Add test for advancing a cursor in 'prev' state (#1005)

[IndexedDB-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] exception test (#292)

[media-source-tests] A unit test for reading SourceBuffer#buffered attribute (#903)

[media-source-tests] Added unit tests for SourceBufferList Object API (#912)

[media-source-tests] Initial import of Blink MediaSource tests. (#725)

[media-source-tests] Tests for Section 2. MediaSource Object API in Media Source Extensions. (#823)

[media-source-tests] Tests for SourceBuffer#abort() (#849)

[media-source-tests] Unit test for 'Detaching from a media element' algorithm of MediaSource Object (#960)

[media-source-tests] Unit tests for getting and setting SourceBuffer#appendWindowEnd attribute (#913)

[media-source-tests] Unit tests for getting and setting SourceBuffer#appendWindowStart attribute (#904)

[media-source-tests] Unit tests for getting and setting SourceBuffer#mode in Media Source Extensions (#936)

[media-source-tests] Unit tests for SourceBuffer#appendBuffer(data) (#850)

[media-source-tests] Unit tests for SourceBuffer#remove(start, end) (#902)

[media-source-tests] Unit tests for SourceBuffer#timestampOffset attribute (#939)

[media-source-tests] Unit tests to check 'Duration change' algorithm of MediaSource Object (#963)

[microdata-tests] Stop microdata tests trying to resolve urls (#972)

[notifications-tests] Added idlharness tests for Notifications API. (#714)

[orientation-event-tests] Import test cases from DVCS for Device Orientation Event (#350)

[pointerevents-tests] Submission/microsoft/pointer events (#324)

[pointerevents-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Submission/microsoft/pointer events (#324)

[proximity-tests] Add more tests for Proximity Events (#398)

[quirks-mode-tests] Match the css-syntax spec for +/**/1 (#951)

[resource-timing-tests] Initial test for resource timing (#402)

[resource-timing-tests] Submissions/microsoft resource timing test (#426)

[selectors-api-tests] Submission/selectors opera (#48)

[selectors-tests] Test the syntax aspect of the case-sensitivity selector (#927)

[shadow-dom-tests] Added test for checking if elementFromPoint() method is existing on Shadow Root. (#859)

[shadow-dom-tests] check if the youngest shadow tree is used (#152)

[shadow-dom-tests] Event path attribute test for Shadow DOM. (#194)

[shadow-dom-tests] nested shadow dom test (#143)

[shadow-dom-tests] new test files about custome pseudo elemens of shadow dom from TestTWF (#156)

[shadow-dom-tests] remove createSR wrapper of createShadowRoot (#937)

[shadow-dom-tests] Rune/ancestor 20140319 (#790)

[shadow-dom-tests] shadow dom: no entry corresponding to the test in specification (#883)

[shadow-dom-tests] shadow-dom: Add reftests for distribution on DOM changes. (#298)

[shadow-dom-tests][stale-awaiting-review-tests] check if the youngest shadow tree is used (#152)

[shadow-dom-tests][stale-awaiting-review-tests] nested shadow dom test (#143)

[shadow-dom-tests][stale-awaiting-review-tests] shadow dom: modify description and createSR(el) wrapper to el.createShad... (#900)

[shadow-dom-tests][stale-awaiting-review-tests] shadow dom: no entry corresponding to the test in specification (#883)

[shadow-dom-tests][stale-awaiting-review-tests] Tests a Satisfying Matching Criteria - Contain a type selector. (#170)

[shadow-dom-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] add olderShadowRoot Attributes test (#882)

[shadow-dom-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Add relatedTarget retargeting test (#184)

[shadow-dom-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] remove createSR wrapper of createShadowRoot (#937)

[shadow-dom-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] shadow dom: confirm shadowRoot is readonly (#881)

[stale-awaiting-review-tests][touch-tests] add tests for touchstart touchmove touchend event (#507)

[stale-awaiting-review-tests][webgl-tests] new WebGL arguments test files from TestTWF (#188)

[stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests][typedarrays-tests][webgl-tests] Removing tests for Khronos specs. (#87)

[stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests][web-animations-tests] Add initial Web Animations directory and test (#909)

[stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests][webrtc-tests] peerconnection api tests (#277)

[stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests][websockets-tests] some tests in websockets/constructor does not refer constants.js (#333)

[test-infra] Add method to check if server process is running. (#1023)

[test-infra] Added a Travis CI graphic-link thingey to README. (#1001)

[test-infra] Ensure that runner UI ends up in correct state when there are no tests t... (#991)

[test-infra] Fix computation of reftest reference url in manifest. (#985)

[test-infra] Fix output summary error of tools/runner/runner.js when the Status of la... (#891)

[test-infra] Fix the bug of generating reftest by checking the value of 'rel' attribu... (#911)

[test-infra] Fix the bug of showing '1/1' of 'Subtest Pass Rate' when the result of the reftest(or manual test) is not 'PASS'. (#1008)

[test-infra] Fix the bug of showing '1/1' of 'Subtest Pass Rate' when the result of the reftest(or manual test) is not 'PASS'. (#1009)

[test-infra] fixed bug,the test will continue after stopped a few minutes (#1017)

[test-infra] lint: use re.seach and don't count empty lines (#978)

[test-infra] Make stopped runner progressbar say Stopped. (#1021)

[test-infra] Need clean or hide the area of dump result json after clicking start button again (#1006)

[test-infra] Need to clear the progressbar to 0% when start the test (#1018)

[test-infra] Removing unused files and tools (#943)

[test-infra] Should disable the manual/refer harness after click pause button (#1012)

[test-infra] Should pop up a dialog with "no case found" ,if there is no case to test. (#1028)

[test-infra] Show case path at the behind of progress bar (#1019)

[test-infra] Stop trying to use global logger from multiprocessing Process because th... (#992)

[test-infra] Web test runner UI changes: Replace alert() with setCustomValidity() message and disable start button if no test types selected. (#1035)

[typedarrays-tests][webgl-tests] Removing tests for Khronos specs. (#87)

[url-tests] Lines starting with # in urltestdata.txt are skipped (#618)

[web-animations-tests] Add initial Web Animations directory and test (#909)

[web-animations-tests] AnimationTimeline and AnimationPlayer tests (#1032)

[web-animations-tests] Pull request for Animation timeline tests (#995)

[WebCryptoAPI-tests] Add test for presence of WebCrypto API methods. (#876)

[WebCryptoAPI-tests] Add test for window.crypto.getRandomValues() (#868)

[WebCryptoAPI-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] Add test for window.crypto.getRandomValues() (#868)

[webdriver-tests] Add some tests for WebDriver executeScript (section 11.2.1) (#704)

[webdriver-tests] add timeout tests (#705)

[webdriver-tests] Replacing use of find_element_by_tag_name that doesn't exist in the spec (#987)

[webdriver-tests] Some tests for BODY element visibility: must always be displayed no matter what. (#988)

[WebIDL-tests] Submission/webidl w3c (#59)

[WebIDL-tests] WebIDL tests (#271)

[WebIDL-tests][XMLHttpRequest-tests][conformance-checkers-tests][custom-elements-tests][html-tests][test-infra] lint: use re.seach and don't count empty lines (#978)

[webmessaging-tests] Increase the timeout for some messaging tests (#955)

[webmessaging-tests] Removed use of in webmessaging (#979)

[webvtt-tests] Fix broken link to reftest-wait script. (#1034)

[workers-tests] assert 4th argument is a non-specific number (#983)

[workers-tests] returns empty string, not '?' (#984)

[XMLHttpRequest-tests] Assert that SyntaxError DOMException is thrown (#990)

[XMLHttpRequest-tests] evaluate assertions at appropriate time (#959)

[XMLHttpRequest-tests] evaluate assertions immediately after xhr.abort() (#968)

[XMLHttpRequest-tests] Following RFC2616, assert that there is no message-body, rather than no entity header (#981)

[XMLHttpRequest-tests] New test: sync request blocks async (#967)

[XMLHttpRequest-tests] Only prefix url with `resources/` if not in a worker context (#976)

[XMLHttpRequest-tests] Only prefix url with resources/ if not in a worker context (#976)

[XMLHttpRequest-tests] Test should be for compliance with actual spec (#973)

[XMLHttpRequest-tests] Test should be for compliance with actual spec (#974)

[XMLHttpRequest-tests] XHR test for progress events, gzip responses and event.loaded / values (#982)

[XMLHttpRequest-tests][stale-awaiting-submitter-response-tests] XMLHttpRequest fixes (#555) not actually handling requests (#975)

XMLHttpRequest/send-entity-body-get-head* tests should not assert presence of request header (#980)

XMLHttpRequest/send-entity-body-get-head* tests should not fail if Content-Length is 0 (#980)

Last message date: Saturday, 31 May 2014 05:54:57 UTC