from September 2013 by subject

[ambient-light] Import test cases from DVCS for DAP ambient light events (#126)

[animation-timing] Added idlharness test for animation-timing (#296)

[app-uri] app-URI spec compliance tests (#325)

[common] Add a file for javascript utilities (#342)

[conformance-checkers] [cc] Added some parser tests for charref errors. (#357)

[conformance-checkers] [cc] Allow whitespace in CSS MQ <ratio> for @media (#328)

[conformance-checkers] [cc] Make some <object> tests fully valid. (#329)

[conformance-checkers] Update of three ITS2 HTML files to make them valid (#327)

[cors] Adding new 2xx and 308 status codes, fixing relative references in test ... (#316)

[cors] New cors status codes (#341)

[dom] Add a test for DOMTokenList's stringifier. (#355)

[dom] Add a test for the textContent setter. (#321)

[dom] Allow the uncaught exception in EventTarget-dispatchEvent.html. (#354)

[dom] Make Range tests run faster (#338)

[dom] Work around the fact that idlharness.js doesn't support DOMTimeStamp yet. (#356)

[dom][html] Make the DOM and HTML idlharness tests more robust. (#351)

[dom][html] Update dom/interfaces.html to current spec (#359)

[dom][html] Use webidl2.js instead of WebIDLParser.js (#358)

[DOMEvents][dom] Add a test for passing null to addEventListener and removeEventListener. (#322)

[DOMEvents][IndexedDB][XMLHttpRequest][battery-status][cors][dom][eventsource][html][old-tests][user-timing][webmessaging][websockets][workers] Update tests to use normal/long harness timeouts (#340)

[FileAPI] [ttwf shanghai 2013] FileAPI Line Endings tests added. (#281)

[FileAPI] [TTWF Shanghai] Added idlharness test for FileAPI (#289)

[FileAPI] ms2ger file api submission (#54)

[geolocation-API] Import Geolocation API Test Suite (#349)

[geolocation-API] Import IDL tests for Geolocation API (#348)

[geolocation-API] Migrate the Geo Location tests to the main repository (#345)

[html-media-capture] Created tests for (#306)

[html-templates] Submission/unipro (#135)

[html] Add a reflection test for img.lowsrc. (#317)

[html] Add a test for DOMStringMap being OverrideBuiltins. (#318)

[html] Add media resource selection tests (#326)

[html] Add section tests (#18)

[html] Add whole load of tests for "Loading Web Pages". (#304)

[html] Added a test file for the input tag url state. (#331)

[html] added tests for the Meter Element and the Progress Element (#330)

[html] Create dndTransferCases.html (#323)

[html] new test files from TestTWF (#336)

[html] Submissions/tomoyukilabs (#330)

[html] Tests for document.lastModified on 3.1 Documents (#334)

[html] Use assert_equals in document.body-setter-01.html. (#347)

[html][old-tests] WebKit's submission (#7)

[infra] Make the coverage tool rely on the specref db. (#344)

[microdata][old-tests] Submissions/opera microdata (#24)

[notifications] append test cases for Web Notification API (#332)

[old-tests] Remove an old copy of the html5lib tests (#320)

[orientation-event] Import test cases from DVCS for Device Orientation Event (#350)

[orientation-event] Migrate the Device Orientation tests to the main repository (#346)

[pointerevents] Submission/microsoft/pointer events (#324)

[proximity] Import test cases from DVCS for DAP proximity events (#127)

[url] URL tests from (#319)

[user-timing] Removed vendor prefixes in user timing tests (#339)

[WebIDL] Add a few Web IDL implementation tests. (#106)

[WebIDL] Remainder of my tests (#271)

[websockets] constructor shoul refer to SCHEME_DOMAIN_PORT (#337)

[websockets] some tests in websockets/constructor does not refer constants.js (#333)

[XMLHttpRequest] New XHR test fixes, solving issues found in Firefox test run (#343)

[XMLHttpRequest] XMLHttpRequest test fixes (#352)

Last message date: Monday, 30 September 2013 23:44:23 UTC