Stale branches for WCAG

Hey all,

as part of the effort to reduce some of the technical debt/stuff just 
hanging around, can I suggest that we all take a moment to go over the 
stale branches (there must be a good 100+ of them)? Particularly if you 
see that you were the last person who pushed updates to that branch...

If the whole of the stale branches is a bit overwhelming, maybe have a 
look just at your own branches (though this will show both 
active/recently touched ones, and stale maybe start from the 
last one and work your way backwards).

I suggest going to a branch, following the "This branch is X commits 
ahead of," link at the top, which takes you to the "Comparing changes" 
view. If there is not currently a pull request associated with that 
branch, and you think the changes that the branch introduces/proposes 
are still valuable, then "Create pull request" (I just did that to some 
of the oldest stale branches).

If there already *is* a pull request, maybe go through to that PR and 
associate it with the WCAG 2.x project under todo (or, if it seems 
fairly solid already, under drafted).

Similarly, suggest going through *your* PRs and issues you filed 
( and and checking if 
there's anything that you submitted that has somehow fallen through the 
cracks, and that you still think is worth doing...make sure it's in WCAG 
2.x todo or drafted.

Patrick H. Lauke


Received on Saturday, 7 September 2024 13:04:25 UTC