Your TPAC Homework

Good afternoon everyone!

Less then a week away from our meeting at TPAC, I have some work for you
gals and guys. I've created a first version of the ACT Framework
Requirement. To have our TPAC meeting go efficiently, I want you all to
have a close look over the next week and send your feedback to the
mailinglist. We can then use this feedback as our starting point for the
discussions at TPAC.

You can find the requirements document here:

Secondly, we've had a number of questions come up in the past few weeks.
Our documentation isn't as clear as it could be, and I want us to do
something about it. I have moved everything we had on Auto-WCAG over to the
ACT Wiki. I plan to have these updated before next Thursday. Please help me
out by e-mailing me changes you feel have to be made to clarify our
message. You'll find this new page here:

*Wilco Fiers* - Senior Accessibility Engineer

Received on Thursday, 15 September 2016 12:24:56 UTC