Re: Your TPAC Homework

Hi Wilco and all,

Great job on the requirements!
Here's my review...



# ACT Framework Requirements

## Abstract

s/one part of the deliverables/one of the deliverables/

## 1. Introduction

s/in order to get a measurement of the accessibility/in order to evaluate the accessibility/

"they can even be used in testing an organization's own accessibility policy"
Romain: a policy is a very different beast than a "digital product" as mentioned earlier. I assume that a Rule won't test the policy itself. Can you clarify?

"The ACT Framework will standardize those aspects"
Romain: +1 to Charu's rewording.

"the ACT Taskforce aims to develop a common understanding of how accessibility should be tested for certain technologies"
Romain: might be a bold statement. How about "The ACT TF aims to increase the adoption of sane accessibility testing principles."

"similar to how the HTML standard is a standard on how to write HTML documents"
Romain: I see what you mean, but I would avoid the comparison given the very different nature of the two specs

s/ACT Rules/The rules written in conformance to the ACT Framework specification (later referred to as ACT Rules)/

s/, that can be used in ATTs or for QA testing of accessibility./. They can be implemented by ATT, or used as a reference when performing manual accessibility QA /

s/1. ACT Rules should be clear/1. ACT Rules should be readable/

s/3. ACT Rules provide correct results/3. ACT Rules are consistently unambiguous/

s/4. Accuracy of ACT Rules is measurable/4. Accuracy of ACT Rules is testable/

s/5. ACT Rules evolve along side web technologies/5. ACT Rules can evolve along with web technogies/

## Requirements

### 2.1

s/different audiences/a varied audience/

s/These include/Target users include/

s/it's claimes/its claims/

s/what the tools they use can do/the capabilities of the tools they use/

s/Because ACT Rules both a technical and non-technical audience (...) readers./The ACT Framework should ensure that the rules are readable by both tool developers and less-technical users. For instance, the ACT Framework may discourage the use of pseudo code in favor of plain english./

### 2.2

s/steer ACT Rules away/should steer ACT Rules writers away from/

### 2.3

s/The ACT Framework has to ensure that if an ACT Rule should not be implemented in a tool, that this is clear to the developer/The ACT Framework must ensure that the applicability of a rool is non-ambiguous/

### 2.4

s/rules that should be able to test everything it is applicable to/rules that provide consistent results in their domain of applicability/

s/to know how reliable the rules are that they use/to have a good understanding of the reliability of the underlying rules/

s/For some ATT users, accuracy may be less of an issue, and by using less accurate rules, greater test coverage can be gained, for others accuracy can crucial/Some ATT users favor test coverage over accuracy. Some others require accurate results,/

"it is likely an ACT Rule used on Arabic websites from 2001 will have a different level of accuracy then it would for English language web apps."
Romain: can you clarify?

s/How exactly this will be dealt with is to be decided during the development//

### 2.5

s/As web technologies change, the rules for testing them should change as well./The ACT Framework must ensure that the ACT Rules can easily evolve with technological change./

s/Rules may require change for many reasons, including changes to the markup language, changes to assistive technologies/Rules will need to adapt to follow changes in markup language specifications, or assistive technologies capabilities./

"even major changes to JavaScript frameworks may require a change to ACT Rules, as perhaps a rare technique that a rule might not have tested for is now much more common."
Romain: can you clarify?

s/Because of this it is important (...)  updated./The ACT Framework must define a versioning strategy for ACT Rules/
s/A possible approach to this could be semantic versioning, although there are many other possibilities.//

### 2.6 

s/There currently exist a number of rulesets with similar functions to what ACT rules would be./Various rule sets exist that are similar in nature to what ACT Rules would be./

s/The ACT Framework will be designed in a way that these rulesets can be transitioned to the ACT Framework format./One of the design goal of the ACT Framework is to enable the rewrite of these rule sets as ACT Rules/

"Doing this, at least once, will be part of the ACT Framework development process."
Romain: is it a requirement? does it relate to the REC track "2-implementations" policy?

# Definitions

Add a definition of "ATT" (since the acronym is used all over the place)?
Add a definition of "ACT Rule" (= a Rule written in conformance to the ACT Framework)?

# General comment

The requirements headings sound like requirements for the **rules**, which may be confusing given that this doc defines requirements for the **framework**.
How about re-wording these along the lines of:
2.1. Ensure readability
2.2. Ensure soundness
2.3. Ensure consistency
2.4. Ensure testability
2.5. Enable evolution

> On 15 Sep 2016, at 13:24, Wilco Fiers <> wrote:
> Good afternoon everyone!
> Less then a week away from our meeting at TPAC, I have some work for you gals and guys. I've created a first version of the ACT Framework Requirement. To have our TPAC meeting go efficiently, I want you all to have a close look over the next week and send your feedback to the mailinglist. We can then use this feedback as our starting point for the discussions at TPAC.
> You can find the requirements document here: <>
> Secondly, we've had a number of questions come up in the past few weeks. Our documentation isn't as clear as it could be, and I want us to do something about it. I have moved everything we had on Auto-WCAG over to the ACT Wiki. I plan to have these updated before next Thursday. Please help me out by e-mailing me changes you feel have to be made to clarify our message. You'll find this new page here: <>
> -- 
> Wilco Fiers - Senior Accessibility Engineer
> <deque_logo_180p.gif>

Received on Wednesday, 21 September 2016 01:57:20 UTC