Taking a goal seriously: readability and utility; re-structuring a bit and streamlining the intro and some old text

My apologies for doing this in Word, but it’s much easier to edit and track movement and flows there. LMK if you need it in some other form.

I looked at the structure of the document, and the flow; and the introduction, and the famous un-read section 4 with its fascinating internal structure.

I’d like to propose we put all Groups into one section, starting with general principles, and then covering constitutional groups (AC, AB, TAG) and then created groups (WGs, etc.).

We already have publications in one section.

The intro could describe this better, and the confidentiality policies more clearly structured.

I suggest deleting some non-procedural commentary.

Thoughts? Attached are a revised Table of Contents with a suggested structure, and revisions of Confidentiality and the Intro.
Dave Singer
Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple


Received on Tuesday, 13 April 2021 21:29:52 UTC