Re: Taking a goal seriously: readability and utility; re-structuring a bit and streamlining the intro and some old text


Thanks, it's good to get this going.

Rewrite of the intro:

Fixing the sub-section titles in section 4: took editorial liberty and just fixed it:

Rewordings of section 4: I haven't spent all that much time thinking about it, but as a first take, I think disagree with the suggested changes (you're deleting things that seem worth keeping). If you'd like to insist on them, could you open a separate issue and explain why you think these changes are beneficial?

Reordering of the table of contents: I haven't done this yet. I think your suggestion is a good idea, or at least a good starting point. Will come back to this soon.


> On Apr 14, 2021, at 6:29, David Singer <> wrote:
> My apologies for doing this in Word, but it’s much easier to edit and track movement and flows there. LMK if you need it in some other form.
> I looked at the structure of the document, and the flow; and the introduction, and the famous un-read section 4 with its fascinating internal structure.
> I’d like to propose we put all Groups into one section, starting with general principles, and then covering constitutional groups (AC, AB, TAG) and then created groups (WGs, etc.).
> We already have publications in one section.
> The intro could describe this better, and the confidentiality policies more clearly structured.
> I suggest deleting some non-procedural commentary.
> Thoughts? Attached are a revised Table of Contents with a suggested structure, and revisions of Confidentiality and the Intro.
> <intro.docx><dissemination.docx><process-outline.docx>
> Dave Singer
> Multimedia and Software Standards, Apple

Received on Tuesday, 27 April 2021 03:33:53 UTC