Re: IPR briefing for new charters…

13.09.2014, 23:41, "Michael Champion (MS OPEN TECH)" <>:
> Dropping the CG ...
…or not…
>>  On Sep 13, 2014, at 2:06 PM, "" <> wrote:
>>  If there are members known to be avoiding the group for IPR reasons, this is important information for the AC to do a review.
> Hmmm. That information is usually offered in confidence AFAIK. The more it is required to be divulged to the AC, the less likely the Team is to get the real story.

Often, it is.

I don't propose to require the Team reveal information held in confidence, only what is publicly known...

> I think we're heading into deep waters here, not sure this is an issue that is going to get a friendly resolution. Is there a real problem here or are you just trying to formalize best practice?

I think there is a real problem. Having a group working under the cloud of XYZ aren't there for IPR reasons either introduces FUD, or clarifies that trying to get this work available RF is more complicated than just doing technical work. In both cases, *if* it is possible to get clarity, members can save the pain of getting into a PAG when they are almost done, or into a patent fight 3 years after they shipped, and look at the problem in advance. Which means they can make more informed decisions.

But there is a big if in there, of course. The fact that it was already required suggests we're not really opening a new can of worms, but I would rather not reduce the likelihood of us making informed decisions on the off-chance that information will be available.

> This is a dilemma, since much of the W3C value proposition relates to IPR, but the more explicit thing are, the more they get nitpicked by lawyers, and much of the WHATWG value proposition for real people is that there are no lawyers in the room :-)

Sure, although much of what is wrong with it is that there are no lawyers there too :-)

Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex - - - Find more at

Received on Saturday, 13 September 2014 21:58:53 UTC