RE: Reminder: April 21 deadline for comments re revisions to the Technical Reports process

Comments on both LC#1 and LC#2 are being tracked on

Steve Z

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arthur Barstow []
> Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2014 2:24 PM
> To: public-w3process
> Subject: Reminder: April 21 deadline for comments re revisions to the
> Technical Reports process
> Reminder: April 21 is the deadline for comments re LC#2 of the proposed
> Technical Reports process <
> file/5508dec95a6a/tr.html>. All comments should be sent to public-w3process
> list <>.
> BTW, where is the comment tracking document for LC#1? And if you already
> started the tracking document for LC#2, where is it?
> -Thanks, AB
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: 	Revisions to Chapter 7 of the W3C Process Document
> Resent-Date: 	Wed, 19 Mar 2014 18:03:48 +0000
> Resent-From: 	<>
> Date: 	Wed, 19 Mar 2014 14:03:38 -0400
> From: 	ext Jeff Jaffe <>
> To: <>,
> <>
> CC: <>,
> <>
> Dear AC Representative, WG Chair or member of the public,
> The Advisory Board proposed revisions to Chapter 7 (Technical Report
> Development Process) of the W3C Process in a Last Call issued on 24 Oct
> 2013[1]. The goal of the revisions is to make the process simpler to
> understand, crisper to execute, yet still consistent with the patent policy, by
> enabling process steps to happen in parallel. Please review [1] for the history of
> this development process.
> This Last Call raised over 75 issues[2] all of which have been reviewed and
> responded to, some with needed changes and others without a change.
> In the latter category one important topic that was raised in more than one
> issue was the question as to whether the proposed changes were, in fact, an
> improvement. The Task Force that has helped drive this work feels that the
> answer is definitely yes. But, the facts will only be clear once the new Process is
> deployed.
> Some Working Groups have responded that some of the steps, such as Last
> Call, that are being eliminated were and are likely to continue to be important
> to them. For these groups, the current Process Document as well as the
> proposed new document allow a Group's Charter to have provisions beyond
> what the Process requires as long as they are not in conflict with the Process.
> This allows Groups that wish to retain such steps to do so in their next Charter
> revision.
> It is now time to issue a second Last Call. The goal of this Last Call is to validate
> that issues have been dealt with correctly. This time, the entire Process
> document [3], not just Chapter 7 [4], is being Last Called. This is done to insure
> that the proposed Chapter 7 is consistent with the rest of the Process
> Document. No changes have been made to the Process document other than
> in Chapter 7. It is our hope that commenters will restrict their comments to
> Chapter 7 or its relationship to the rest of the Process Document. The Process
> Task Force is aware that there are issues with other parts of the Process
> Document and expects that these will be addressed once the Chapter 7
> revisions are adopted.
> Comments on parts other than those connected to Chapter 7 will be noted,
> but may not receive a response during this review period. Please provide
> comments by close of business, 21 April 2014.
> Comments and requests for clarification are welcome. This work is done in
> public and the <>
> <> <>
> mailing list is the best place to send comments and questions.
> Next Steps
> After responding to comments on this second Last Call draft, the resulting
> document will be sent to the AC for a normal AC Review.
> Assuming that that review is successful, the proposed Process Document will
> become the 2014 W3C Process Document on completion of the review period.
> Because there are significant changes to the Process, the new Process will be
> phased in over a 2 year period. The proposal for deploying the new 2014
> Process is as follows:
> As of the Director's announcement of the approval of a new 2014 Process
> Document:
> 1. All Technical Reports at maturity levels prior to Recommendation published
> after the adoption of the revised Process will state whether they were
> developed under the 2005 Process or under the new 2014 Process. This
> requirement will cease when there are no further Technical Reports being
> developed under the 2005 Process.
> 2. All new Working Groups whose charters are either in AC review or whose
> charters are about to be approved by the Director must follow the new 2014
> TR Process.
> 3. Any Working Group with Recommendation Track documents published as
> Last Call Working Drafts under the 2005 Process will continue to follow the
> 2005 Process for those documents.
> 4. Any Working Group with Recommendation Track documents published as
> Candidate Recommendation specifications under the 2005 Process may
> republish those documents as Candidate Recommendation documents under
> the new 2014 TR Process.
> 5. Any Working Group that started work prior to the adoption of the new TR
> Process may choose either the 2005 TR Process or the new 2014 TR Process for
> its Recommendation Track deliverables not yet published as Last Call[2005]
> Working Drafts. However, the Working Group should move any
> Recommendation Track document that has not reached Recommendation to
> the 2014 TR Process within 24 months of the adoption of this new TR Process.
> Jeff Jaffe, Chair, W3C Advisory Board
> Charles McCathie-Nevile, Editor, W3C Process Document Steve Zilles, Chair,
> W3C Technical Report Development Task Force
> [1]
> [2]
> <> (those with
> Document Life Cycle (ch 7) as the "Product")
> [3]
> [4]

Received on Thursday, 10 April 2014 04:26:44 UTC