Suggested change to Revised Public Working Drafts section

Hello Public-w3process,

This is a comment on
Editors' Draft 3 October 2013

It is an editorial suggestion which would not be a substantive change
but would I think set expectations more clearly.

In section 7.4.1b Revised Public Working Drafts

current text

  "A Working Group should publish a Working Draft to the W3C Technical
  Reports page every 6 months, or sooner when there have been
  significant changes to the document that would benefit from review
  from beyond the Working Group.

suggested text

  "A Working Group should publish a Working Draft to the W3C Technical
  Reports page when there have been significant changes to the
  document that would benefit from review from beyond the Working

  If 6 months have elapsed without changes, a Working Draft should
  also be published. In that case the status may indicate reasons for
  lack of change."

The suggested wording emphasizes publication as a result of
significant change, rather than a 6 month heartbeat. Technical rather
than procedural emphasis.

It also adds a suggestion to explain why a draft has not changed at
all (changes, not just significant changes) in six months.

Best regards,

Received on Wednesday, 9 October 2013 18:51:51 UTC