Re: Proposal: Audiobook

On 27/09/2013 14:42, Thad Guidry wrote:
> [snip]
>     My suggestion is that in some way the documentation reflect which
>     properties are "core" and which have been added for some domain
>     specific purpose. I know it is difficult to say what constitutes
>     the cross domain core, but I think it would be relative easy and
>     useful to group together those properties of, say, CreativeWork
>     that were added because they are specifically relevant to
>     resources being described for use in the context of learning, or
>     those properties that are specifically relevant to the description
>     of legal aspects of a resource. This might help users focus their
>     attention on those properties relevant to them and help them
>     understand what the descriptions mean. Alternatively, working
>     vice-versa it may be useful to suppress those properties of, say,
>     a Diet or Volcano that have been inherited but really aren't
>     particularly applicable to the specific class in question.
>     Phil
> [snip]
> Uhh... that's the whole point of HAVING Types to begin with... 
> grouping common properties together around a Domain Type.

If I am understanding properly, I think the problem is that domains 
don't always map to types. Or at least they won't without a 
proliferation of types. Take learning resource for example, a learning 
resource may be pretty much any of the specific types under Creative 
Work (or Event for that matter). Rather than create types of 
EducationalArticle, EducationalBlog, EducationalBook... we have the 
properties that can be used to describe a learning resource at Creative 
Work level to be used when applicable and ignored otherwise.  Likewise 
we have properties that are only applicable to resources in which there 
is enforceable IPR, at Creative Work level not a set of 
CopyrightArticle, CopyrightBlog CopyrightBook... (not forgetting 
CopyrightEducationalArticle CopyrightEducationalBlog 
CopyrightEducationalBook ...)

But perhaps I am missing a trick. Are we still limited to a single 
itemtype in microdata?

For clarity, my suggestion was about the presentation of information on 
the pages, not the actual modelling.

> (slap slap slap...wake up folks...we still like you Phil, however ;-))

and I hope it stays that way :)


> -- 
> -Thad
> Thad on <>
> Thad on LinkedIn <>


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Received on Friday, 27 September 2013 16:39:41 UTC