Re: Proposal: Audiobook


> My suggestion is that in some way the documentation reflect which
> properties are "core" and which have been added for some domain specific
> purpose. I know it is difficult to say what constitutes the cross domain
> core, but I think it would be relative easy and useful to group together
> those properties of, say, CreativeWork that were added because they are
> specifically relevant to resources being described for use in the context
> of learning, or those properties that are specifically relevant to the
> description of legal aspects of a resource. This might help users focus
> their attention on those properties relevant to them and help them
> understand what the descriptions mean. Alternatively, working vice-versa it
> may be useful to suppress those properties of, say, a Diet or Volcano that
> have been inherited but really aren't particularly applicable to the
> specific class in question.
> Phil

Uhh... that's the whole point of HAVING Types to begin with... grouping
common properties together around a Domain Type.

(slap slap slap...wake up folks...we still like you Phil, however ;-))

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Received on Friday, 27 September 2013 13:42:46 UTC